Knowledge Tree Institute

Ying Zhang





Lifelong Learning and Serving Our Community With a deep passion for education and helping our community in all positive ways, Knowledge Tree Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit aims at educating and inspiring people in and outside the classroom to enjoy their journey of learning with our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) including professional adults, middle school, high school, and college students. We are proud to bring people together to learn and grow together to reach their highest potential. We help people to find their inner strengths and start to grow. Let us know what you want to learn. In addition to providing learning opportunities, we also aim at serving our community in all kinds of ways, addressing a wide range of needs and challenges. Whether it's providing food to people in need, supporting local artists and cultural events, or promoting sustainable practices. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and foster a sense of unity and empowerment and be a role model of making positive imp

Event ID Heat ID 性别 项目名称 年龄组 运动员-号码牌 道次 成绩 备注
9 2 Mix 100m 儿童男女 Jeffrey Qu #365 5 00:19.96
64 3 Mix 200m 儿童男女 Jeffrey Qu #365 1 00:42.97
64 3 Mix 200m 儿童男女 Asher Lin #366 5 00:40.96
12 1 F 100m 少年乙组 Nora Nolan #367 6 00:17.70
21 1 M 100m 壮年组 qingdong yu #368 6 00:13.65
13 1 M 100m 少年乙组 Joshua Qu #369 3 00:16.31
68 2 M 200m 少年乙组 Joshua Qu #369 5 00:33.83
12 1 F 100m 少年乙组 Jessica Bai #370 4 00:17.88
29 1 F 400m 少年甲组 Natalie Nolan #371 2 01:43.78
48 1 F 4x100m relay 壮年组 Zhiting Liu #372 , Elisha Yang #373
Grace Wang #374 , Erjia Feng #375
6 01:18.77
7 1 F 5000m 常青组 Elisha Yang #373 0 26:56.72
50 1 Mix 跳远 儿童男女 Jeffrey Qu #365 0 0 DNS
38 1 Mix 4x100m relay 儿童男女 Jeffrey Qu #365 , Allen yin #376
Asher Lin #366 , Eshan Narsale #377
4 01:15.14
9 2 Mix 100m 儿童男女 Allen yin #376 3 00:16.06
10 1 F 100m 儿童甲组 Jessica CHAN #378 7 00:19.55
61 1 M 800m 壮年组 Jo CHAN #379 8 02:59.39
54 1 M 跳远 少年乙组 Joshua Qu #369 0 3.51
28 1 M 400m 少年乙组 李好阳 #380 4 01:16.08
13 1 M 100m 少年乙组 李好阳 #380 2 00:16.43
42 1 M 4x100m relay 少年乙组 Joshua Qu #369 , James Li #381
Alan Wang #382 , 李好阳 #380
4 01:03.79
28 1 M 400m 少年乙组 James Li #381 5 01:15.09
13 1 M 100m 少年乙组 Alan Wang #382 6 00:16.86
68 1 M 200m 少年乙组 Alan Wang #382 5 00:35.96
54 1 M 跳远 少年乙组 Alan Wang #382 0 3.24
80 1 M 1500m 少年乙组 Leo Wang #383 0 0 DNS
57 1 M 800m 少年甲组 李好烔 #384 2 02:50.33
82 1 M 1500m 少年甲组 李好烔 #384 0 05:43.02
13 2 M 100m 少年乙组 James Li #381 3 00:15.06
68 2 M 200m 少年乙组 James Li #381 3 00:31.71
15 2 M 100m 少年甲组 李好烔 #384 4 00:13.43
23 1 M 100m 常青组 Yong Liang #385 5 00:14.50
78 1 M 200m 常青组 Yong Liang #385 7 00:30.27
91 1 Mix 4x400m mixed relay 少年乙组 James Li #381 , Joshua Qu #369
Michelle zou #386 , Nora Nolan #367
5 05:55.83
54 1 F 800m 少年乙组 Michelle zou #386 5 04:03.61
36 1 M 400m 壮年组 qingdong yu #368 2 01:04.86
50 1 Mix 跳远 儿童男女 Allen yin #376 0 3.02
94 1 Mix 4x400m mixed relay 壮年组 Chunfeng Yin #387 , Elisha Yang #373
Jo CHAN #379 , qingdong yu #368
Yong Liang #385
6 05:45.20