男模 VS Bay Apes的文字直播
第1节 start
9`38`` [Bay Apes]--> no.11 Xiaolei Xin Two Point Made (2 points)
9`0`` [男模]--> no.24 Michael Lu Free Throw Made (1 points)
8`4`` [男模]--> no.7 倪梓涵 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`46`` [男模]--> no.30 Jiangwei Liu Two Point Made (2 points)
4`51`` [男模]--> no.18 宋旸 Two Point Miss
4`43`` [男模]--> no.18 宋旸 Assist (1 assists)
4`42`` [男模]--> no.7 倪梓涵 Two Point Made (2 points)
4`3`` [Bay Apes]--> no.4 陈放 Two Point Miss
2'25", [Bay Apes]--> no.34 Ruoyang Sun enters the game for no. 5 Gongjian Wang
1`50`` [Bay Apes]--> no.11 Xiaolei Xin Two Point Miss
10'0", [Bay Apes]--> no.3 Yachao Ren enters the game for no. 15 chenxi yang
10`0`` [男模]--> no.21 Zefeng Dong Two Point Made (2 points)
10`0`` [Bay Apes]--> no.5 Gongjian Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8'28", [男模]--> no.18 宋旸 enters the game for no. 20 Bill Chen
6`31`` [男模]--> no.25 杨博文 Two Point Made (2 points)
1'50", [男模]--> no.24 Michael Lu enters the game for no. 25 杨博文
1'44", [男模]--> no.48 Wentao Wang enters the game for no. 13 Qingli Yang
1'6", [Bay Apes]--> no.15 chenxi yang enters the game for no. 9 Miao Wang
0`14`` [Bay Apes]--> no.22 Te Li Free Throw Made (1 points)
7`47`` [Bay Apes]--> no.7 Edward Xu Two Point Made (2 points)
7`24`` [Bay Apes]--> no.7 Edward Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`48`` [Bay Apes]--> no.22 Te Li Three Point Miss
3`54`` [男模]--> no.3 Yinan Lu Two Point Made (2 points)
2'7", [Bay Apes]--> no.4 陈放 enters the game for no. 13 Hongliang Chen
2`6`` [Bay Apes]--> no.4 陈放 Two Point Miss
1'57", [Bay Apes]--> no.3 Yachao Ren enters the game for no. 11 Xiaolei Xin
1`12`` [Bay Apes]--> no.4 陈放 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`45`` [男模]--> no.3 Yinan Lu Free Throw Made (3 points)
10'0", [男模]--> no.9 Zhirong Dai enters the game for no. 48 Wentao Wang
10'0", [Bay Apes]--> no.5 Gongjian Wang enters the game for no. 34 Ruoyang Sun
9'7", [Bay Apes]--> no.34 Ruoyang Sun enters the game for no. 5 Gongjian Wang
8`32`` [男模]--> no.20 Bill Chen Two Point Miss
7'25", [男模]--> no.11 Yunlu Li enters the game for no. 26 Aoran Xu
6`38`` [男模]--> no.3 Yinan Lu Three Point Made (6 points)
5`2`` [Bay Apes]--> no.5 Gongjian Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
4'26", [男模]--> no.25 杨博文 enters the game for no. 20 Bill Chen
4'16", [Bay Apes]--> no.10 Kenny Zhuang enters the game for no. 9 Miao Wang
1`9`` [男模]--> no.11 Yunlu Li Free Throw Miss