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硅谷猎豹 VS 恒星的文字直播

第1节 start
8`22`` no.3 张逸中 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`19`` no.23 崔子艺 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`41`` no.20 宋宇 Free Throw Made (1 points)
6`41`` no.20 宋宇 Free Throw Made (2 points)
6`18`` no.33 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (2 points)
5`48`` no.33 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (4 points)
5`33`` no.11 庄晨 Three Point Made (3 points)
4`12`` no.3 张逸中 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4'5", no.21 程恺亮 enters the game for no. 20 宋宇
3'55", no.7 Jinheng Luo enters the game for no. 21 郑子威
3`39`` no.33 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (6 points)
3'4", no.11 Fuhua Guan enters the game for no. 1 谭健志
2'13", no.15 Guowei Jiang enters the game for no. 9 Zhiming Zhou
0`44`` no.17 Justin Zhao Two Point Made (2 points)
0'15", no.10 Xinyu Chen enters the game for no. 23 崔子艺
第1节 end

0`0`` no.3 张逸中 Three Point Made (3 points)
10'0", no.21 郑子威 enters the game for no. 11 Fuhua Guan
10'0", no.24 周健柏 enters the game for no. 7 Jinheng Luo

第2节 start
9'47", no.1 高松 enters the game for no. 21 程恺亮
9'41", no.21 程恺亮 enters the game for no. 3 张逸中
9`8`` no.33 欧阳震雄 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`30`` no.33 Jialun Chen Free Throw Made (7 points)
8'13", no.3 张逸中 enters the game for no. 1 高松
8'10", no.6 李天辰 enters the game for no. 33 欧阳震雄
7`14`` no.6 李天辰 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`0`` no.33 Jialun Chen Free Throw Made (8 points)
6'50", no.33 欧阳震雄 enters the game for no. 6 李天辰
6`27`` no.33 Jialun Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`59`` no.33 欧阳震雄 Free Throw Made (1 points)
5`19`` no.17 Justin Zhao Two Point Made (4 points)
4`56`` no.33 Jialun Chen Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4'35", no.9 陆寒挺 enters the game for no. 33 欧阳震雄
4'27", no.9 Zhiming Zhou enters the game for no. 33 Jialun Chen
4'16", no.33 欧阳震雄 enters the game for no. 9 陆寒挺
4`13`` no.3 张逸中 Three Point Made (6 points)
3'38", no.1 高松 enters the game for no. 21 程恺亮
2`52`` no.33 欧阳震雄 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
2'45", no.1 谭健志 enters the game for no. 24 周健柏
2`15`` no.15 Guowei Jiang Two Point Made (2 points)
1`32`` no.1 高松 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1'15", no.33 Jialun Chen enters the game for no. 21 郑子威
0`25`` no.15 Guowei Jiang Two Point Made (4 points)
0`5`` no.17 Justin Zhao Two Point Made (6 points)
第2节 end

10'0", no.11 Fuhua Guan enters the game for no. 10 Xinyu Chen
10'0", no.23 崔子艺 enters the game for no. 33 Jialun Chen

第3节 start
9'52", no.33 Jialun Chen enters the game for no. 9 Zhiming Zhou
9'45", no.9 Zhiming Zhou enters the game for no. 1 谭健志
9'32", no.6 李天辰 enters the game for no. 1 高松
8`53`` no.9 Zhiming Zhou Two Point Made (2 points)
7`50`` no.6 李天辰 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`2`` no.11 Fuhua Guan Two Point Made (2 points)
Timeout at 7'0"
6'44", no.7 Jinheng Luo enters the game for no. 9 Zhiming Zhou
6`24`` no.33 Jialun Chen Personal Foul (3 fouls)
6'10", no.21 程恺亮 enters the game for no. 6 李天辰
5`14`` no.11 庄晨 Three Point Made (6 points)
4`55`` no.17 Justin Zhao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4'27", no.24 周健柏 enters the game for no. 15 Guowei Jiang
3`34`` no.3 张逸中 Personal Foul (3 fouls)
2`58`` no.33 Jialun Chen Free Throw Made (9 points)
1`50`` no.7 Jinheng Luo Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1'31", no.9 Zhiming Zhou enters the game for no. 24 周健柏
1'27", no.21 郑子威 enters the game for no. 7 Jinheng Luo
1`2`` no.3 张逸中 Free Throw Made (7 points)
0`53`` no.3 张逸中 Free Throw Made (8 points)
0`33`` no.33 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (11 points)
0`22`` no.33 Jialun Chen Personal Foul (4 fouls)
第3节 end

0`0`` no.17 Justin Zhao Free Throw Made (7 points)

第4节 start
9'56", no.10 Xinyu Chen enters the game for no. 11 Fuhua Guan
9'50", no.15 Guowei Jiang enters the game for no. 21 郑子威
9'48", no.21 郑子威 enters the game for no. 23 崔子艺
9'36", no.23 崔子艺 enters the game for no. 33 Jialun Chen
9'5", no.6 李天辰 enters the game for no. 11 庄晨
8`44`` no.15 Guowei Jiang Two Point Made (6 points)
8`10`` no.17 Justin Zhao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
8'5", no.11 庄晨 enters the game for no. 6 李天辰
7`11`` no.15 Guowei Jiang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7'0", no.6 李天辰 enters the game for no. 33 欧阳震雄
5`57`` no.6 李天辰 Personal Foul (3 fouls)
5'46", no.33 欧阳震雄 enters the game for no. 6 李天辰
3`58`` no.33 欧阳震雄 Two Point Made (3 points)
3`49`` no.15 Guowei Jiang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Timeout at 3'48"
3'48", no.1 谭健志 enters the game for no. 9 Zhiming Zhou
3'32", no.33 Jialun Chen enters the game for no. 21 郑子威
3`16`` no.11 庄晨 Three Point Made (9 points)
2`53`` no.17 Justin Zhao Personal Foul (3 fouls)
2`39`` no.33 Jialun Chen Free Throw Made (12 points)
2`30`` no.33 Jialun Chen Free Throw Made (13 points)
1`53`` no.11 庄晨 Free Throw Made (10 points)
1`53`` no.11 庄晨 Free Throw Made (11 points)
1`43`` no.1 谭健志 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Timeout at 1'8"
0`53`` no.1 谭健志 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`13`` no.17 Justin Zhao Free Throw Made (8 points)
0`13`` no.33 Jialun Chen Personal Foul (5 fouls)
0'13", no.21 郑子威 enters the game for no. 33 Jialun Chen
0`13`` no.17 Justin Zhao Free Throw Made (9 points)
第4节 end