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Pegasi VS WBI的文字直播

0`0`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Two Point Miss

第1节 start
9`52`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Two Point Miss
9'28", no.13 Heming Liu enters the game for no. 30 Liwei Liu
9`25`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (2 points)
9'14", no.15 Zhiliang Yu enters the game for no. 9 Paul Yu
9`10`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Made (2 points)
8`38`` no.13 Heming Liu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`30`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Three Point Miss
8'24", no.30 Liwei Liu enters the game for no. 8 James Lee
8`18`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Steal (1 steals)
8`2`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Three Point Made (3 points)
8`0`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Assist (1 assists)
7`34`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Steal (2 steals)
7`29`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Miss
7`2`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Miss
6`47`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Two Point Made (5 points)
6`23`` no.13 Heming Liu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6`19`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (4 points)
5`36`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Miss
5`14`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Assist (1 assists)
5`13`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Three Point Made (3 points)
4`56`` no.6 Yongzhe Chen Two Point Miss
4`34`` no.7 Nan Xiang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4`25`` no.13 Heming Liu Free Throw Made (5 points)
4`16`` no.13 Heming Liu Free Throw Made (6 points)
3`21`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Miss
3`0`` no.30 Liwei Liu Two Point Miss
2`56`` no.40 Boyang Zhang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`37`` no.30 Liwei Liu Free Throw Made (1 points)
2`17`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (8 points)
1`52`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Miss
1`48`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Two Point Made (5 points)
1`26`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Made (2 points)
1`16`` no.30 Liwei Liu Two Point Miss
1`7`` no.77 Chichen Fu Three Point Made (3 points)
1`6`` no.7 Nan Xiang Assist (1 assists)
0`30`` no.7 Nan Xiang Three Point Miss
0`21`` no.13 Heming Liu Assist (1 assists)
0`17`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Two Point Made (7 points)
第1节 end

0'0", no.2 刘楠 enters the game for no. 6 Yongzhe Chen
0'0", no.12 Wentian Cui enters the game for no. 7 Chan Kwai Cheong
0'0", no.9 Paul Yu enters the game for no. 30 Liwei Liu

第2节 start
9`44`` no.9 Paul Yu Steal (1 steals)
9`32`` no.12 Wentian Cui Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`25`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Made (4 points)
9`5`` no.2 刘楠 Two Point Miss
8`55`` no.77 Chichen Fu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`32`` no.12 Wentian Cui Free Throw Miss
8`27`` no.12 Wentian Cui Free Throw Miss
7`59`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Assist (1 assists)
7`58`` no.12 Wentian Cui Two Point Made (2 points)
7'33", no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong enters the game for no. 13 Heming Liu
7`30`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`22`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
Timeout at 7'2"
7'2", no.55 Zhao Wang enters the game for no. 40 Boyang Zhang
6`53`` no.9 Paul Yu Free Throw Made (1 points)
6`48`` no.9 Paul Yu Free Throw Made (2 points)
6`6`` no.2 刘楠 Three Point Miss
5`58`` no.9 Paul Yu Assist (1 assists)
5`56`` no.12 Wentian Cui Two Point Made (4 points)
5`34`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Two Point Made (7 points)
5`11`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Two Point Miss
4`48`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Made (4 points)
4`12`` no.77 Chichen Fu Three Point Made (6 points)
4`8`` no.2 刘楠 Assist (1 assists)
3`52`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Three Point Miss
3`31`` no.2 刘楠 Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
3`2`` no.2 刘楠 Three Point Made (3 points)
2`39`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Three Point Made (10 points)
2`38`` no.9 Paul Yu Assist (2 assists)
2`21`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Made (6 points)
1`19`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Miss
1`15`` no.9 Paul Yu Two Point Made (4 points)
0`47`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`32`` no.55 Zhao Wang Three Point Miss
0`23`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Two Point Made (12 points)
0`9`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Block (1 blocks)
第2节 end

10'0", no.13 Heming Liu enters the game for no. 7 Chan Kwai Cheong
10'0", no.30 Liwei Liu enters the game for no. 15 Zhiliang Yu
10'0", no.40 Boyang Zhang enters the game for no. 55 Zhao Wang
10'0", no.6 Yongzhe Chen enters the game for no. 2 刘楠

第3节 start
9`35`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Two Point Made (14 points)
9`22`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Made (8 points)
8`51`` no.13 Heming Liu Three Point Made (11 points)
8`23`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Miss
7`44`` no.9 Paul Yu Two Point Made (6 points)
7`15`` no.30 Liwei Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`8`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Free Throw Made (1 points)
6`58`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Free Throw Miss
6`49`` no.12 Wentian Cui Two Point Miss
6`32`` no.13 Heming Liu Three Point Miss
6`31`` no.12 Wentian Cui Two Point Made (6 points)
6`16`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Miss
6`8`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Assist (2 assists)
6`7`` no.9 Paul Yu Two Point Made (8 points)
5`40`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Made (10 points)
5`17`` no.40 Boyang Zhang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`55`` no.13 Heming Liu Free Throw Made (12 points)
4`47`` no.13 Heming Liu Free Throw Made (13 points)
3`46`` no.40 Boyang Zhang Personal Foul (3 fouls)
3`30`` no.9 Paul Yu Free Throw Miss
3`20`` no.9 Paul Yu Free Throw Made (9 points)
2`49`` no.40 Boyang Zhang Two Point Made (2 points)
2`29`` no.13 Heming Liu Three Point Made (16 points)
2`11`` no.30 Liwei Liu Steal (1 steals)
1`59`` no.9 Paul Yu Two Point Miss
1`49`` no.7 Nan Xiang Two Point Miss
1`40`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (18 points)
0`54`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Two Point Made (16 points)
0`28`` no.77 Chichen Fu Three Point Made (9 points)
0`18`` no.23 Tone Yao Lee Three Point Made (19 points)
0`7`` no.77 Chichen Fu Three Point Miss
第3节 end

10'0", no.2 刘楠 enters the game for no. 77 Chichen Fu
10'0", no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong enters the game for no. 23 Tone Yao Lee

第4节 start
9'47", no.15 Zhiliang Yu enters the game for no. 12 Wentian Cui
9`38`` no.2 刘楠 Two Point Miss
8`54`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Personal Foul (2 fouls)
8`39`` no.2 刘楠 Three Point Miss
8`36`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8`34`` no.2 刘楠 Steal (1 steals)
8`29`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Two Point Made (3 points)
8`22`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Assist (2 assists)
8`21`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (20 points)
7`56`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Two Point Made (9 points)
7'26", no.55 Zhao Wang enters the game for no. 6 Yongzhe Chen
7`21`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Made (6 points)
7`2`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
6`58`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Steal (1 steals)
6`39`` no.15 Zhouning Zhang Steal (2 steals)
6`33`` no.13 Heming Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Timeout at 6'25"
5`50`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Two Point Miss
5'42", no.77 Chichen Fu enters the game for no. 40 Boyang Zhang
5`35`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Two Point Miss
5`32`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Three Point Made (12 points)
5'5", no.6 Yongzhe Chen enters the game for no. 15 Zhouning Zhang
4`46`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Made (8 points)
4'27", no.40 Boyang Zhang enters the game for no. 7 Nan Xiang
4`14`` no.6 Yongzhe Chen Two Point Made (2 points)
4`7`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (22 points)
3`44`` no.13 Heming Liu Two Point Made (24 points)
3`21`` no.7 Chan Kwai Cheong Personal Foul (3 fouls)
2`58`` no.2 刘楠 Two Point Made (5 points)
2`56`` no.77 Chichen Fu Assist (1 assists)
2`49`` no.30 Liwei Liu Two Point Made (3 points)
2`26`` no.6 Yongzhe Chen Three Point Made (5 points)
2`6`` no.40 Boyang Zhang Personal Foul (4 fouls)
1`28`` no.2 刘楠 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`7`` no.15 Zhiliang Yu Two Point Made (10 points)
1`5`` no.13 Heming Liu Assist (2 assists)
0`49`` no.2 刘楠 Three Point Miss
第4节 end