
查看 FIO VS Brothers的文字直播


FIO VS Brothers的文字直播

第1节 start
9'5", [Five in One]--> no.11 Jian Shi enters the game for no. 13 Jason Zhu
9`3`` [Five in One]--> no.11 Jian Shi Two Point Made (2 points)
8'42", [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan enters the game for no. 33 Hu, Zhixiong
8'32", [Five in One]--> no.15 刘子华 enters the game for no. 35 Chak Ho Chan
8`11`` [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan Two Point Made (2 points)
7'58", [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu enters the game for no. 88 Andy Zeng
7'53", [Brothers]--> no.2 Tracy Tan enters the game for no. 3 Edward Xu
7'48", [Brothers]--> no.6 周润南 enters the game for no. 11 Hawk Zhang
7'36", [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan enters the game for no. 1 Jerry Chen
7`35`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (2 points)
7`13`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Three Point Made (3 points)
7`11`` [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6'38", [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu enters the game for no. 18 Jia Jiang
6`37`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Two Point Made (2 points)
6'26", [Brothers]--> no.1 Jerry Chen enters the game for no. 2 Tracy Tan
6`25`` [Brothers]--> no.1 Jerry Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`6`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Three Point Made (6 points)
5`18`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (4 points)
4`41`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (6 points)
4`22`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Two Point Made (8 points)
3`27`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Two Point Made (2 points)
2`47`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Two Point Made (4 points)
2`38`` [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan Two Point Made (4 points)
2`9`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`42`` [Five in One]--> no.11 Jian Shi Two Point Made (4 points)
1`21`` [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1'2", [Brothers]--> no.2 Tracy Tan enters the game for no. 13 Huiyuan Wu
0`47`` [Brothers]--> no.2 Tracy Tan Free Throw Made (1 points)
0`15`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (8 points)

第2节 start
9'17", [Brothers]--> no.11 Hawk Zhang enters the game for no. 6 周润南
9`16`` [Brothers]--> no.11 Hawk Zhang Two Point Made (2 points)
8`49`` [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan Three Point Miss
8'37", [Five in One]--> no.0 Patrick Shih enters the game for no. 11 Jian Shi
8`36`` [Five in One]--> no.0 Patrick Shih Two Point Made (2 points)
8'0", [Five in One]--> no.35 Chak Ho Chan enters the game for no. 13 Jason Zhu
7'52", [Five in One]--> no.6 王志韬 enters the game for no. 15 刘子华
7'47", [Five in One]--> no.31 刘汉彻 enters the game for no. 9 Deren Kong
7'32", [Five in One]--> no.32 Jayson Gong enters the game for no. 1 Ying Xuan
7`25`` [Five in One]--> no.32 Jayson Gong Three Point Miss
6`55`` [Brothers]--> no.1 Jerry Chen Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6'46", [Brothers]--> no.6 周润南 enters the game for no. 1 Jerry Chen
5`44`` [Five in One]--> no.32 Jayson Gong Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4'54", [Brothers]--> no.7 Jiawei Su enters the game for no. 8 Tianming Wu
4`42`` [Brothers]--> no.7 Jiawei Su Two Point Made (2 points)
3'36", [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu enters the game for no. 35 Chak Ho Chan
3'35", [Five in One]--> no.1 Ying Xuan enters the game for no. 31 刘汉彻
3`22`` [Five in One]--> no.32 Jayson Gong Two Point Made (2 points)
3`0`` [Brothers]--> no.6 周润南 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`40`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Free Throw Made (3 points)
2`29`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Free Throw Made (4 points)
1`30`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Two Point Made (6 points)
1`4`` [Five in One]--> no.0 Patrick Shih Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'19", [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu enters the game for no. 2 Tracy Tan
0`17`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Free Throw Miss
0`17`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Free Throw Miss

第3节 start
8'39", [Five in One]--> no.15 刘子华 enters the game for no. 6 王志韬
8`38`` [Five in One]--> no.15 刘子华 Two Point Made (2 points)
7`57`` [Five in One]--> no.32 Jayson Gong Three Point Made (5 points)
7`49`` [Brothers]--> no.7 Jiawei Su Two Point Made (4 points)
7`30`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Two Point Made (6 points)
7`17`` [Five in One]--> no.15 刘子华 Three Point Made (5 points)
5`54`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Two Point Made (8 points)
[Brothers]--> Timeout at 5'46"
4`40`` [Brothers]--> no.7 Jiawei Su Three Point Made (7 points)
3`52`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (10 points)
3'37", [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong enters the game for no. 0 Patrick Shih
3`36`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Three Point Made (11 points)
3`6`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Two Point Made (8 points)
0'44", [Five in One]--> no.0 Patrick Shih enters the game for no. 9 Deren Kong
0`43`` [Five in One]--> no.0 Patrick Shih Two Point Made (4 points)

第4节 start
9`48`` [Five in One]--> no.13 Jason Zhu Two Point Made (10 points)
8`22`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7'49", [Five in One]--> no.11 Jian Shi enters the game for no. 0 Patrick Shih
7`48`` [Five in One]--> no.11 Jian Shi Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`57`` [Five in One]--> no.11 Jian Shi Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`37`` [Brothers]--> no.7 Jiawei Su Two Point Made (9 points)
5'59", [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong enters the game for no. 11 Jian Shi
5`58`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`44`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Free Throw Made (9 points)
5`34`` [Brothers]--> no.8 Tianming Wu Free Throw Made (10 points)
5'0", [Five in One]--> no.6 王志韬 enters the game for no. 9 Deren Kong
4`59`` [Five in One]--> no.6 王志韬 Two Point Made (2 points)
4'4", [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong enters the game for no. 1 Ying Xuan
4`3`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Two Point Made (13 points)
[Brothers]--> Timeout at 3'59"
3`10`` [Five in One]--> no.9 Deren Kong Two Point Made (15 points)
2`28`` [Brothers]--> no.7 Jiawei Su Two Point Made (11 points)
2'0", [Brothers]--> no.2 Tracy Tan enters the game for no. 17 Zhen Duan
1`59`` [Brothers]--> no.2 Tracy Tan Two Point Made (3 points)
0'0", [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan enters the game for no. 7 Jiawei Su
0`0`` [Brothers]--> no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (12 points)
0`0`` [Five in One]--> no.32 Jayson Gong Two Point Made (7 points)