野-TOT VS RMB的文字直播
0`0`` no.23 陈庚 Two Point Made (2 points)
0`0`` no.17 Yu Zhao Three Point Made (3 points)
0`0`` no.10 李玮泰 Two Point Made (2 points)
0`0`` no.3 王超艺 Two Point Made (2 points)
第1节 start
9'32", no.3 Xunzhi Sun enters the game for no. 8 Minglei Chen
8`52`` no.99 CHENG TSO HSIEH Two Point Made (2 points)
8`2`` no.17 Yu Zhao Two Point Made (5 points)
7'36", no.6 钟振瀛 enters the game for no. 10 李玮泰
7'25", no.3 王超艺 enters the game for no. 8 Hung Lam Alan Ngan
7'0", no.10 李玮泰 enters the game for no. 7 李浩伦
6`49`` no.10 李玮泰 Two Point Made (4 points)
6`31`` no.13 Xinyuan Hu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5'56", no.23 陈庚 enters the game for no. 9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui
5`15`` no.3 王超艺 Two Point Made (4 points)
4'31", no.7 李浩伦 enters the game for no. 99 CHENG TSO HSIEH
4`20`` no.7 李浩伦 Two Point Made (2 points)
Timeout at 4'8"
3'53", no.5 顿悟 enters the game for no. 10 李玮泰
3'43", no.7 Xuanang Zhou enters the game for no. 13 Xinyuan Hu
3'42", no.20 Xiang Zhang enters the game for no. 22 Neng Kang
3'39", no.8 Minglei Chen enters the game for no. 24 Yan Cai
3'35", no.24 Yan Cai enters the game for no. 17 Yu Zhao
3'10", no.13 Xinyuan Hu enters the game for no. 3 Xunzhi Sun
2`42`` no.24 Yan Cai Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`7`` no.23 陈庚 Two Point Made (4 points)
1`49`` no.7 李浩伦 Two Point Made (4 points)
1`27`` no.23 陈庚 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`32`` no.8 Minglei Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
第1节 end
0`0`` no.23 陈庚 Free Throw Made (5 points)
0'0", no.22 Neng Kang enters the game for no. 20 Xiang Zhang
0'0", no.3 Xunzhi Sun enters the game for no. 8 Minglei Chen
0'0", no.99 CHENG TSO HSIEH enters the game for no. 23 陈庚
0'0", no.15 贾拓州 enters the game for no. 7 李浩伦
0'0", no.11 Yuzhu Qin enters the game for no. 13 Xinyuan Hu
第2节 start
9`37`` no.3 王超艺 Three Point Made (7 points)
9'16", no.13 Xinyuan Hu enters the game for no. 24 Yan Cai
9`9`` no.13 Xinyuan Hu Three Point Made (3 points)
8`59`` no.99 CHENG TSO HSIEH Three Point Made (5 points)
8`22`` no.3 Xunzhi Sun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`24`` no.6 钟振瀛 Free Throw Made (1 points)
7`18`` no.6 钟振瀛 Free Throw Made (2 points)
6'55", no.1 Yijie Zhu enters the game for no. 11 Yuzhu Qin
6'46", no.11 Yuzhu Qin enters the game for no. 1 Yijie Zhu
6`43`` no.11 Yuzhu Qin Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`19`` no.3 王超艺 Two Point Made (9 points)
Timeout at 5'14"
5'14", no.7 李浩伦 enters the game for no. 5 顿悟
5'14", no.10 李玮泰 enters the game for no. 99 CHENG TSO HSIEH
5'14", no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui enters the game for no. 6 钟振瀛
5'14", no.23 陈庚 enters the game for no. 3 王超艺
5'14", no.20 Xiang Zhang enters the game for no. 22 Neng Kang
5'14", no.24 蔡岩 enters the game for no. 13 Xinyuan Hu
5'14", no.17 Yu Zhao enters the game for no. 7 Xuanang Zhou
4`3`` no.10 李玮泰 Two Point Made (6 points)
3'35", no.8 Minglei Chen enters the game for no. 11 Yuzhu Qin
3'10", no.13 Xinyuan Hu enters the game for no. 3 Xunzhi Sun
2`40`` no.13 Xinyuan Hu Technical Foul
0`54`` no.23 陈庚 Two Point Made (7 points)
0'32", no.7 Xuanang Zhou enters the game for no. 20 Xiang Zhang
0`8`` no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui Two Point Made (2 points)
第2节 end
10'0", no.3 Xunzhi Sun enters the game for no. 7 Xuanang Zhou
10'0", no.11 Yuzhu Qin enters the game for no. 24 蔡岩
10'0", no.3 王超艺 enters the game for no. 10 李玮泰
10'0", no.6 钟振瀛 enters the game for no. 9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui
10'0", no.5 顿悟 enters the game for no. 7 李浩伦
10'0", no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui enters the game for no. 15 贾拓州
10`0`` no.5 顿悟 Two Point Made (2 points)
10'0", no.99 CHENG TSO HSIEH enters the game for no. 23 陈庚
第3节 start
9`2`` no.5 顿悟 Two Point Made (4 points)
8'49", no.24 蔡岩 enters the game for no. 8 Minglei Chen
8`46`` no.24 蔡岩 Two Point Made (2 points)
8`17`` no.11 Yuzhu Qin Personal Foul (2 fouls)
8`4`` no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui Two Point Made (4 points)
7`38`` no.3 王超艺 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`22`` no.17 Yu Zhao Free Throw Made (6 points)
4`33`` no.5 顿悟 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4'25", no.23 陈庚 enters the game for no. 99 CHENG TSO HSIEH
4'23", no.7 李浩伦 enters the game for no. 6 钟振瀛
4'16", no.7 Xuanang Zhou enters the game for no. 11 Yuzhu Qin
4'14", no.8 Minglei Chen enters the game for no. 13 Xinyuan Hu
4'2", no.22 Neng Kang enters the game for no. 3 Xunzhi Sun
3`20`` no.23 陈庚 Two Point Made (9 points)
2`57`` no.7 李浩伦 Two Point Made (6 points)
2`3`` no.8 Minglei Chen Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1'54", no.15 贾拓州 enters the game for no. 23 陈庚
1`49`` no.5 顿悟 Free Throw Made (5 points)
1'43", no.23 陈庚 enters the game for no. 15 贾拓州
1'30", no.15 贾拓州 enters the game for no. 9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui
1`12`` no.7 李浩伦 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
第3节 end
10'0", no.99 CHENG TSO HSIEH enters the game for no. 7 李浩伦
10'0", no.10 李玮泰 enters the game for no. 5 顿悟
10'0", no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui enters the game for no. 3 王超艺
10'0", no.13 Xinyuan Hu enters the game for no. 24 蔡岩
10'0", no.3 Xunzhi Sun enters the game for no. 7 Xuanang Zhou
10'0", no.7 Xuanang Zhou enters the game for no. 8 Minglei Chen
10'0", no.3 王超艺 enters the game for no. 9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui
第4节 start
9`27`` no.3 王超艺 Two Point Made (11 points)
8`44`` no.3 王超艺 Three Point Made (14 points)
7`39`` no.3 王超艺 Three Point Made (17 points)
Timeout at 7'33"
7'33", no.7 李浩伦 enters the game for no. 3 王超艺
7'33", no.6 钟振瀛 enters the game for no. 99 CHENG TSO HSIEH
7'33", no.5 顿悟 enters the game for no. 15 贾拓州
7'33", no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui enters the game for no. 23 陈庚
7'33", no.8 Minglei Chen enters the game for no. 7 Xuanang Zhou
7'33", no.11 Yuzhu Qin enters the game for no. 13 Xinyuan Hu
7'33", no.24 蔡岩 enters the game for no. 3 Xunzhi Sun
6`20`` no.7 李浩伦 Two Point Made (8 points)
5`47`` no.5 顿悟 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
5`28`` no.22 Neng Kang Free Throw Made (1 points)
5`15`` no.22 Neng Kang Free Throw Made (2 points)
4`48`` no.11 Yuzhu Qin Personal Foul (3 fouls)
4`16`` no.5 顿悟 Personal Foul (3 fouls)
3'57", no.7 Xuanang Zhou enters the game for no. 17 Yu Zhao
3`28`` no.10 李玮泰 Two Point Made (8 points)
2`53`` no.6 钟振瀛 Three Point Made (5 points)
2`19`` no.9 Mathew Man Cheuk Lui Two Point Made (6 points)
1`46`` no.5 顿悟 Two Point Made (7 points)
1`31`` no.7 李浩伦 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0'26", no.3 王超艺 enters the game for no. 7 李浩伦
第4节 end