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第1节 start
9`51`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Made (2 points)
9`33`` no.11 Chien kai Wang Three Point Miss
9`24`` no.30 Shengming Xu Two Point Miss
9'9", no.8 Weihao Yuan enters the game for no. 7 張景皓
9`8`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (2 points)
8`47`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Miss
8'14", no.7 張景皓 enters the game for no. 11 Chien kai Wang
8`10`` no.7 張景皓 Two Point Miss
8`9`` no.3 Chien Hung Chen Two Point Miss
7`47`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Made (4 points)
7`15`` no.6 Long Jin Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`56`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Made (3 points)
6`46`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Miss
6`32`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Three Point Made (3 points)
6`21`` no.13 Jialin han Two Point Miss
6`18`` no.13 Jialin han Two Point Miss
5`53`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`41`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Two Point Miss
5'36", no.11 Chien kai Wang enters the game for no. 3 Chien Hung Chen
5`35`` no.11 Chien kai Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
5'21", no.3 Chien Hung Chen enters the game for no. 7 張景皓
5'17", no.7 張景皓 enters the game for no. 20 Hao Jiang Bai
4`44`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (5 points)
4`27`` no.7 張景皓 Two Point Made (2 points)
3'44", no.9 Huizhong Gao enters the game for no. 6 Long Jin
3`41`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Two Point Made (2 points)
3`23`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3`2`` no.7 張景皓 Free Throw Miss
2'50", no.20 Hao Jiang Bai enters the game for no. 11 Chien kai Wang
2'49", no.17 Mack Teng enters the game for no. 3 Chien Hung Chen
2'31", no.6 Long Jin enters the game for no. 30 Shengming Xu
2`29`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Miss
2`23`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Miss
2`13`` no.10 Deshan Tang Two Point Miss
2`11`` no.17 Mack Teng Two Point Miss
1`55`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Three Point Miss
1`38`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Miss
1`24`` no.7 張景皓 Two Point Miss
1`16`` no.17 Mack Teng Two Point Made (2 points)
1`3`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Three Point Miss
0`51`` no.6 Long Jin Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`34`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Made (6 points)
0`25`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Made (7 points)
0`9`` no.7 Xiaochong Zhang Two Point Miss
0`5`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Two Point Made (5 points)
0`1`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Assist (1 assists)
第1节 end

第2节 start
9'58", no.15 Bernard Wang enters the game for no. 10 Wei Po Yuan
9'58", no.29 Di Wu enters the game for no. 10 Deshan Tang
9'58", no.34 马少桢 enters the game for no. 9 Huizhong Gao
9'58", no.21 Cheng Xu enters the game for no. 6 Long Jin
9'54", no.6 Long Jin enters the game for no. 13 Jialin han
9'49", no.14 Mingwei Sun enters the game for no. 7 Xiaochong Zhang
9`37`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Three Point Miss
9`27`` no.34 马少桢 Two Point Miss
9`24`` no.21 Cheng Xu Two Point Miss
9`21`` no.21 Cheng Xu Two Point Made (2 points)
8'45", no.9 Huizhong Gao enters the game for no. 6 Long Jin
8`43`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Three Point Miss
8`24`` no.20 Hao Jiang Bai Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`5`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Free Throw Miss
8'0", no.3 Chien Hung Chen enters the game for no. 20 Hao Jiang Bai
7`38`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Free Throw Miss
7`32`` no.15 Bernard Wang Three Point Miss
6'54", no.13 Jialin han enters the game for no. 9 Huizhong Gao
6`51`` no.13 Jialin han Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6'47", no.9 Huizhong Gao enters the game for no. 14 Mingwei Sun
6`33`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Made (8 points)
Timeout at 6'31"
6`21`` no.34 马少桢 Three Point Miss
6`3`` no.34 马少桢 Three Point Made (3 points)
5'27", no.11 Chien kai Wang enters the game for no. 7 張景皓
5`19`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (10 points)
5'9", no.6 Long Jin enters the game for no. 9 Huizhong Gao
5`6`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Miss
5`4`` no.21 Cheng Xu Two Point Made (4 points)
5`4`` no.21 Cheng Xu Two Point Miss
4`53`` no.15 Bernard Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
4'22", no.9 Huizhong Gao enters the game for no. 13 Jialin han
4'12", no.10 Wei Po Yuan enters the game for no. 11 Chien kai Wang
4`11`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Three Point Miss
4'3", no.11 Chien kai Wang enters the game for no. 17 Mack Teng
3`59`` no.3 Chien Hung Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3'35", no.14 Mingwei Sun enters the game for no. 34 马少桢
3'34", no.4 Danqing Yu enters the game for no. 21 Cheng Xu
3'15", no.21 Cheng Xu enters the game for no. 9 Huizhong Gao
2`59`` no.21 Cheng Xu Free Throw Made (5 points)
2`45`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Three Point Made (13 points)
2'34", no.34 马少桢 enters the game for no. 6 Long Jin
2`27`` no.34 马少桢 Three Point Miss
2`19`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Three Point Miss
1`40`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Two Point Made (7 points)
1`27`` no.29 Di Wu Three Point Miss
1`20`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (15 points)
1`0`` no.14 Mingwei Sun Two Point Made (2 points)
0`38`` no.15 Bernard Wang Three Point Miss
0`4`` no.29 Di Wu Three Point Made (3 points)
第2节 end

10'0", no.7 Xiaochong Zhang enters the game for no. 29 Di Wu
10'0", no.30 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 4 Danqing Yu
10'0", no.17 Mack Teng enters the game for no. 15 Bernard Wang
10'0", no.15 Bernard Wang enters the game for no. 3 Chien Hung Chen
10'0", no.20 Hao Jiang Bai enters the game for no. 10 Wei Po Yuan

第3节 start
9'43", no.7 張景皓 enters the game for no. 15 Bernard Wang
9'39", no.15 Bernard Wang enters the game for no. 20 Hao Jiang Bai
9`31`` no.30 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9'23", no.13 Jialin han enters the game for no. 21 Cheng Xu
9'17", no.9 Huizhong Gao enters the game for no. 34 马少桢
9'10", no.20 Hao Jiang Bai enters the game for no. 11 Chien kai Wang
9`8`` no.20 Hao Jiang Bai Free Throw Made (1 points)
9`7`` no.20 Hao Jiang Bai Free Throw Miss
8'24", no.4 Danqing Yu enters the game for no. 7 Xiaochong Zhang
8`21`` no.14 Mingwei Sun Two Point Miss
8'18", no.24 金东完 enters the game for no. 9 Huizhong Gao
7`32`` no.13 Jialin han Two Point Miss
7'18", no.10 Wei Po Yuan enters the game for no. 20 Hao Jiang Bai
7`16`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Three Point Made (10 points)
7`4`` no.14 Mingwei Sun Two Point Miss
6`49`` no.13 Jialin han Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6'16", no.11 Chien kai Wang enters the game for no. 15 Bernard Wang
6`8`` no.4 Danqing Yu Three Point Made (3 points)
5`37`` no.7 張景皓 Three Point Made (5 points)
5'35", no.3 Chien Hung Chen enters the game for no. 8 Weihao Yuan
5'33", no.15 Bernard Wang enters the game for no. 17 Mack Teng
5`16`` no.4 Danqing Yu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`1`` no.7 張景皓 Free Throw Miss
4'52", no.7 Xiaochong Zhang enters the game for no. 4 Danqing Yu
4`34`` no.7 張景皓 Free Throw Made (6 points)
4`29`` no.7 張景皓 Free Throw Made (7 points)
4`2`` no.14 Mingwei Sun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3'54", no.8 Weihao Yuan enters the game for no. 15 Bernard Wang
3`35`` no.3 Chien Hung Chen Two Point Miss
3`7`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Two Point Made (12 points)
2`41`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (17 points)
2'24", no.10 Deshan Tang enters the game for no. 14 Mingwei Sun
2`23`` no.10 Deshan Tang Two Point Miss
2`22`` no.10 Deshan Tang Two Point Miss
1'53", no.14 Mingwei Sun enters the game for no. 30 Shengming Xu
1'51", no.29 Di Wu enters the game for no. 13 Jialin han
1`45`` no.10 Deshan Tang Two Point Miss
1`37`` no.7 張景皓 Two Point Miss
1`30`` no.29 Di Wu Three Point Miss
1`14`` no.7 張景皓 Two Point Miss
0`58`` no.29 Di Wu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`39`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (19 points)
第3节 end

10'0", no.9 Huizhong Gao enters the game for no. 7 Xiaochong Zhang
10'0", no.21 Cheng Xu enters the game for no. 10 Deshan Tang
10'0", no.6 Long Jin enters the game for no. 14 Mingwei Sun
10'0", no.34 马少桢 enters the game for no. 29 Di Wu
10'0", no.13 Jialin han enters the game for no. 24 金东完
10'0", no.20 Hao Jiang Bai enters the game for no. 3 Chien Hung Chen
10'0", no.17 Mack Teng enters the game for no. 10 Wei Po Yuan
10'0", no.3 Chien Hung Chen enters the game for no. 11 Chien kai Wang

第4节 start
9`48`` no.17 Mack Teng Two Point Miss
9`32`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Two Point Made (21 points)
9`15`` no.21 Cheng Xu Two Point Made (7 points)
9`10`` no.20 Hao Jiang Bai Personal Foul (2 fouls)
9`1`` no.21 Cheng Xu Free Throw Made (8 points)
8`41`` no.20 Hao Jiang Bai Two Point Made (3 points)
8`27`` no.34 马少桢 Three Point Miss
8`17`` no.7 張景皓 Three Point Miss
7`52`` no.7 張景皓 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`31`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Miss
7`4`` no.6 Long Jin Two Point Miss
6`57`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6'46", no.11 Chien kai Wang enters the game for no. 8 Weihao Yuan
6'45", no.15 Bernard Wang enters the game for no. 11 Chien kai Wang
6'44", no.11 Chien kai Wang enters the game for no. 15 Bernard Wang
6`33`` no.6 Long Jin Free Throw Made (5 points)
6'20", no.10 Wei Po Yuan enters the game for no. 7 張景皓
6`15`` no.6 Long Jin Free Throw Miss
6`11`` no.3 Chien Hung Chen Personal Foul (2 fouls)
5`55`` no.34 马少桢 Three Point Made (6 points)
5'38", no.15 Bernard Wang enters the game for no. 17 Mack Teng
5`34`` no.15 Bernard Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`19`` no.21 Cheng Xu Two Point Made (10 points)
5'5", no.8 Weihao Yuan enters the game for no. 20 Hao Jiang Bai
4`51`` no.15 Bernard Wang Two Point Miss
4`43`` no.34 马少桢 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4`20`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Free Throw Made (13 points)
4`9`` no.10 Wei Po Yuan Free Throw Miss
3`44`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Three Point Miss
3`7`` no.11 Chien kai Wang Two Point Miss
2`45`` no.11 Chien kai Wang Two Point Made (4 points)
2`33`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Two Point Made (4 points)
2`12`` no.13 Jialin han Two Point Miss
2`12`` no.34 马少桢 Two Point Miss
2`12`` no.9 Huizhong Gao Two Point Made (6 points)
1`57`` no.15 Bernard Wang Two Point Miss
1`29`` no.21 Cheng Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`21`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Made (22 points)
1`9`` no.8 Weihao Yuan Free Throw Miss
0`59`` no.34 马少桢 Three Point Made (9 points)
第4节 end