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NK VS ZF-X的文字直播

第1节 start
9`48`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (2 points)
9`28`` no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com Three Point Made (3 points)
9`2`` no.24 Yan Sun Assist (1 assists)
8`56`` no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`39`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Miss
8`36`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Free Throw Miss
8`25`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Free Throw Miss
7`31`` no.23 Yishu Peng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`5`` no.29 Junye Ren Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`59`` no.40 Scott Jaw Two Point Made (2 points)
6`22`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (4 points)
6`19`` no.52 Johnny Yang Assist (1 assists)
6`2`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`46`` no.25 王达夫 Two Point Miss
5`27`` no.24 Yan Sun Two Point Miss
5`22`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (6 points)
5`17`` no.52 Johnny Yang Assist (2 assists)
4`59`` no.52 Johnny Yang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4`29`` no.29 Junye Ren Two Point Miss
4`23`` no.40 Scott Jaw Two Point Made (4 points)
4`19`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Assist (1 assists)
3`52`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (8 points)
3`49`` no.23 Yishu Peng Assist (1 assists)
3`30`` no.14 张玉君 Two Point Miss
3`19`` no.52 Johnny Yang Three Point Miss
3`7`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Miss
2`49`` no.29 Junye Ren Two Point Miss
2`30`` no.52 Johnny Yang Three Point Made (3 points)
2'23", no.33 Huipeng Ren enters the game for no. 24 Yan Sun
2'18", no.16 冯庆 enters the game for no. 29 Junye Ren
1`59`` no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com Three Point Miss
1'51", no.29 Junye Ren enters the game for no. 33 Huipeng Ren
1`48`` no.29 Junye Ren Two Point Miss
1`44`` no.52 Johnny Yang Two Point Made (5 points)
1`16`` no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com Two Point Miss
1`10`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (10 points)
1`5`` no.14 张玉君 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'25", no.11 Zhe Pan enters the game for no. 25 王达夫
0'15", no.8 Liang Zhang enters the game for no. 14 张玉君
0`6`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Free Throw Made (11 points)
第1节 end

10'0", no.33 Huipeng Ren enters the game for no. 29 Junye Ren
10'0", no.21 Suhao Xu enters the game for no. 2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com
10'0", no.4 Pitai Chou enters the game for no. 52 Johnny Yang
10'0", no.52 Johnny Yang enters the game for no. 4 Pitai Chou
10'0", no.4 Pitai Chou enters the game for no. 88 Jeffery Luo
10'0", no.3 Winston Chu enters the game for no. 23 Yishu Peng
10'0", no.30 Ryan Ng enters the game for no. 7 Jimmy Yu

第2节 start
9`39`` no.21 Suhao Xu Two Point Miss
9`33`` no.16 冯庆 Three Point Miss
9`27`` no.16 冯庆 Three Point Miss
9`22`` no.30 Ryan Ng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`8`` no.33 Huipeng Ren Free Throw Miss
8`57`` no.33 Huipeng Ren Free Throw Miss
8`39`` no.21 Suhao Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`17`` no.40 Scott Jaw Free Throw Made (5 points)
8`3`` no.40 Scott Jaw Free Throw Miss
7`40`` no.52 Johnny Yang Two Point Miss
7`4`` no.52 Johnny Yang Two Point Made (7 points)
7`1`` no.3 Winston Chu Assist (1 assists)
6`41`` no.3 Winston Chu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`16`` no.8 Liang Zhang Free Throw Miss
6`5`` no.8 Liang Zhang Free Throw Miss
5`45`` no.40 Scott Jaw Three Point Miss
5`39`` no.4 Pitai Chou Three Point Miss
5`24`` no.11 Zhe Pan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`2`` no.3 Winston Chu Free Throw Miss
4'55", no.7 Jimmy Yu enters the game for no. 40 Scott Jaw
4'50", no.11 Jen-Hua Liang enters the game for no. 4 Pitai Chou
4`42`` no.3 Winston Chu Free Throw Miss
4`42`` no.3 Winston Chu Free Throw Miss
4`27`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3`57`` no.30 Ryan Ng Three Point Miss
3`50`` no.11 Jen-Hua Liang Two Point Miss
3`49`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Miss
3`40`` no.11 Zhe Pan Three Point Miss
3`36`` no.16 冯庆 Three Point Miss
3`31`` no.3 Winston Chu Two Point Made (2 points)
3`29`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Assist (1 assists)
3`4`` no.52 Johnny Yang Three Point Made (10 points)
3`2`` no.3 Winston Chu Assist (2 assists)
2`31`` no.8 Liang Zhang Two Point Miss
2`22`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Made (2 points)
2`21`` no.30 Ryan Ng Assist (1 assists)
2`3`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1'51", no.4 Pitai Chou enters the game for no. 52 Johnny Yang
1'36", no.25 王达夫 enters the game for no. 21 Suhao Xu
1'22", no.3 Baokun Yu enters the game for no. 8 Liang Zhang
1'20", no.14 张玉君 enters the game for no. 11 Zhe Pan
1`13`` no.16 冯庆 Free Throw Miss
0`57`` no.30 Ryan Ng Two Point Miss
0`49`` no.3 Baokun Yu Two Point Miss
0`32`` no.30 Ryan Ng Two Point Miss
0`12`` no.11 Jen-Hua Liang Two Point Miss
第2节 end

0`0`` no.3 Winston Chu Two Point Miss
10'0", no.17 Peiqiu Tian enters the game for no. 16 冯庆
10'0", no.8 Liang Zhang enters the game for no. 33 Huipeng Ren
10'0", no.52 Johnny Yang enters the game for no. 4 Pitai Chou
10'0", no.88 Jeffery Luo enters the game for no. 11 Jen-Hua Liang
10'0", no.40 Scott Jaw enters the game for no. 7 Jimmy Yu

第3节 start
9'54", no.23 Yishu Peng enters the game for no. 30 Ryan Ng
9`45`` no.14 张玉君 Two Point Miss
8`39`` no.3 Baokun Yu Two Point Made (2 points)
8`37`` no.25 王达夫 Assist (1 assists)
8`30`` no.52 Johnny Yang Three Point Miss
8`21`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Three Point Miss
8`1`` no.23 Yishu Peng Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`36`` no.25 王达夫 Three Point Miss
7`18`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (13 points)
7`16`` no.40 Scott Jaw Assist (1 assists)
6`37`` no.52 Johnny Yang Three Point Miss
6`24`` no.14 张玉君 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`4`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Free Throw Miss
5'51", no.29 Junye Ren enters the game for no. 17 Peiqiu Tian
5'47", no.24 Yan Sun enters the game for no. 8 Liang Zhang
5'24", no.7 Jimmy Yu enters the game for no. 23 Yishu Peng
5`12`` no.14 张玉君 Three Point Miss
5`4`` no.29 Junye Ren Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`50`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Made (4 points)
4`47`` no.3 Winston Chu Assist (3 assists)
4`22`` no.29 Junye Ren Personal Foul (3 fouls)
4'14", no.30 Ryan Ng enters the game for no. 7 Jimmy Yu
4`3`` no.30 Ryan Ng Two Point Made (2 points)
3'40", no.21 Suhao Xu enters the game for no. 14 张玉君
3`14`` no.40 Scott Jaw Two Point Made (7 points)
3`12`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Assist (2 assists)
2`54`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Miss
2`35`` no.52 Johnny Yang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
2'27", no.4 Pitai Chou enters the game for no. 52 Johnny Yang
2'25", no.11 Jen-Hua Liang enters the game for no. 4 Pitai Chou
2'20", no.52 Johnny Yang enters the game for no. 40 Scott Jaw
2'16", no.4 Pitai Chou enters the game for no. 52 Johnny Yang
2'4", no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com enters the game for no. 3 Baokun Yu
2`1`` no.25 王达夫 Free Throw Miss
1`47`` no.25 王达夫 Free Throw Made (1 points)
1`36`` no.4 Pitai Chou Two Point Made (2 points)
1`33`` no.30 Ryan Ng Assist (2 assists)
1`24`` no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com Three Point Miss
1`13`` no.3 Winston Chu Two Point Made (4 points)
0`52`` no.24 Yan Sun Two Point Miss
0`37`` no.4 Pitai Chou Three Point Miss
0`31`` no.4 Pitai Chou Two Point Miss
0`31`` no.4 Pitai Chou Two Point Miss
0`13`` no.21 Suhao Xu Two Point Miss
0`3`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Miss
第3节 end

10'0", no.8 Liang Zhang enters the game for no. 21 Suhao Xu
10'0", no.11 Zhe Pan enters the game for no. 25 王达夫
10'0", no.47 倪晶毅 enters the game for no. 2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com
10'0", no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com enters the game for no. 29 Junye Ren
10'0", no.40 Scott Jaw enters the game for no. 11 Jen-Hua Liang
10'0", no.52 Johnny Yang enters the game for no. 88 Jeffery Luo
10'0", no.88 Jeffery Luo enters the game for no. 4 Pitai Chou

第4节 start
9`51`` no.3 Winston Chu Three Point Made (7 points)
9`49`` no.30 Ryan Ng Assist (3 assists)
9`24`` no.40 Scott Jaw Two Point Miss
8`52`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Two Point Made (15 points)
8`51`` no.30 Ryan Ng Assist (4 assists)
8`31`` no.11 Zhe Pan Two Point Made (2 points)
8`17`` no.30 Ryan Ng Three Point Made (5 points)
8`15`` no.40 Scott Jaw Assist (2 assists)
8`2`` no.3 Winston Chu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`42`` no.11 Zhe Pan Free Throw Miss
7`33`` no.11 Zhe Pan Free Throw Made (3 points)
7`25`` no.11 Zhe Pan Free Throw Miss
7`16`` no.40 Scott Jaw Two Point Made (9 points)
7`15`` no.3 Winston Chu Assist (4 assists)
6`53`` no.52 Johnny Yang Two Point Made (12 points)
6`52`` no.40 Scott Jaw Assist (3 assists)
6`33`` no.52 Johnny Yang Two Point Made (14 points)
6`31`` no.88 Jeffery Luo Assist (3 assists)
6`7`` no.40 Scott Jaw Two Point Made (11 points)
Timeout at 5'53"
5'53", no.18 Borui Gao enters the game for no. 47 倪晶毅
5'53", no.25 王达夫 enters the game for no. 11 Zhe Pan
5'53", no.16 冯庆 enters the game for no. 8 Liang Zhang
5'53", no.33 Huipeng Ren enters the game for no. 24 Yan Sun
5'53", no.11 Jen-Hua Liang enters the game for no. 40 Scott Jaw
5'53", no.23 Yishu Peng enters the game for no. 52 Johnny Yang
5'53", no.4 Pitai Chou enters the game for no. 88 Jeffery Luo
5'53", no.7 Jimmy Yu enters the game for no. 3 Winston Chu
5`39`` no.11 Jen-Hua Liang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`25`` no.25 王达夫 Free Throw Miss
5`13`` no.25 王达夫 Free Throw Miss
4`57`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Miss
4`56`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Made (6 points)
4`32`` no.23 Yishu Peng Personal Foul (3 fouls)
4`23`` no.33 Huipeng Ren Two Point Miss
4`9`` no.4 Pitai Chou Three Point Miss
4`1`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
3`42`` no.25 王达夫 Three Point Miss
3`18`` no.16 冯庆 Two Point Made (2 points)
3'2", no.5 Lu Li enters the game for no. 2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com
3'1", no.24 Yan Sun enters the game for no. 5 Lu Li
2`54`` no.7 Jimmy Yu Two Point Made (8 points)
2`52`` no.23 Yishu Peng Two Point Miss
2`37`` no.25 王达夫 Two Point Miss
1`50`` no.16 冯庆 Two Point Miss
1`42`` no.18 Borui Gao Two Point Miss
1`31`` no.33 Huipeng Ren Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Timeout at 1'26"
1'26", no.11 Zhe Pan enters the game for no. 25 王达夫
1'26", no.14 张玉君 enters the game for no. 16 冯庆
1'26", no.21 Suhao Xu enters the game for no. 18 Borui Gao
1'26", no.29 Junye Ren enters the game for no. 24 Yan Sun
1'26", no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com enters the game for no. 33 Huipeng Ren
1`14`` no.11 Jen-Hua Liang Two Point Made (2 points)
0`54`` no.2 yangziwei1998@gmail.com Three Point Miss
0`40`` no.11 Zhe Pan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`22`` no.30 Ryan Ng Free Throw Miss
0`10`` no.30 Ryan Ng Free Throw Made (6 points)
第4节 end

0`0`` no.30 Ryan Ng Free Throw Made (7 points)