第1节 start
BBLove: 8`38`` no.9 Liwei Liu Two Point Made (2 points) 2:0
Hecares-Supreme: 8`25`` no.6 Shuo Wu Two Point Made (2 points) 2:2
BBLove: 8`11`` no.1 Songchun Xie Three Point Made (3 points) 5:2
Hecares-Supreme: 6`51`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 6`29`` no.10 Nan Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
BBLove: 5`38`` no.1 Songchun Xie Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 5`28`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Free Throw Made (1 points) 5:3
Hecares-Supreme: 5`14`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Free Throw Made (2 points) 5:4
BBLove: 4`57`` no.77 Lifu Guo Two Point Made (2 points) 7:4
BBLove: 3`22`` no.13 Junyang Liu Two Point Made (2 points) 9:4
Hecares-Supreme: 2`52`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Two Point Made (4 points) 9:6
BBLove: 2`48`` no.1 Songchun Xie Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 2'5", no.7 Jiayi Liu enters the game for no. 5 Timothy Zhu
Hecares-Supreme: 2`3`` no.7 Jiayi Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 1'50", no.1 Tingho Lin enters the game for no. 10 Nan Wang
BBLove: 1`35`` no.24 Brady Liu Two Point Made (2 points) 11:6
BBLove: 0`29`` no.9 Liwei Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 0`7`` no.7 Jiayi Liu Two Point Made (2 points) 11:8
第1节 end
Hecares-Supreme: 0`0`` no.6 Shuo Wu Three Point Made (5 points) 11:11
Hecares-Supreme: 10'0", no.35 郑宏阳 enters the game for no. 1 Tingho Lin
第2节 start
Hecares-Supreme: 9`33`` no.6 Shuo Wu Two Point Made (7 points) 11:13
Hecares-Supreme: 9`8`` no.6 Shuo Wu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
BBLove: 8`36`` no.24 Brady Liu Two Point Made (4 points) 13:13
Hecares-Supreme: 8`9`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Three Point Made (7 points) 13:16
Hecares-Supreme: 7`34`` no.7 Jiayi Liu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
BBLove: 7`7`` no.13 Junyang Liu Two Point Made (4 points) 15:16
Hecares-Supreme: 6`42`` no.7 Jiayi Liu Two Point Made (4 points) 15:18
Hecares-Supreme: 6`22`` no.35 郑宏阳 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
BBLove: 6`4`` no.24 Brady Liu Free Throw Made (5 points) 16:18
Hecares-Supreme: 5'2", no.10 Nan Wang enters the game for no. 6 Shuo Wu
Hecares-Supreme: 5`1`` no.10 Nan Wang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
BBLove: 4'42", no.12 Yuanmeng Zhang enters the game for no. 13 Junyang Liu
BBLove: 4`41`` no.12 Yuanmeng Zhang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 4`17`` no.35 郑宏阳 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
BBLove: 3`45`` no.24 Brady Liu Free Throw Made (6 points) 17:18
BBLove: 3'38", no.34 Shouyi Guo enters the game for no. 12 Yuanmeng Zhang
BBLove: 3`28`` no.24 Brady Liu Free Throw Made (7 points) 18:18
Hecares-Supreme: 2'50", no.9 Shan Li enters the game for no. 10 Nan Wang
Hecares-Supreme: 2`35`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Two Point Made (9 points) 18:20
BBLove: 2`14`` no.9 Liwei Liu Two Point Made (4 points) 20:20
BBLove: 1'13", no.6 Baolin Yi enters the game for no. 24 Brady Liu
Hecares-Supreme: 0'54", no.99 Simeng Chen enters the game for no. 9 Shan Li
Hecares-Supreme: 0`52`` no.99 Simeng Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 0`34`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Two Point Made (11 points) 20:22
Hecares-Supreme: 0`12`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Two Point Made (13 points) 20:24
第2节 end
BBLove: 0'0", no.61 Hao Qiu enters the game for no. 6 Baolin Yi
BBLove: 0`0`` no.61 Hao Qiu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 0`0`` no.11 Haolin Wang Free Throw Made (1 points) 20:25
第3节 start
BBLove: 9`32`` no.1 Songchun Xie Two Point Made (5 points) 22:25
BBLove: 9'4", no.24 Brady Liu enters the game for no. 9 Liwei Liu
BBLove: 9`3`` no.24 Brady Liu Two Point Made (9 points) 24:25
BBLove: 7`44`` no.77 Lifu Guo Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 6'21", no.10 Nan Wang enters the game for no. 11 Haolin Wang
Hecares-Supreme: 6`18`` no.10 Nan Wang Personal Foul (3 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 5'59", no.5 Timothy Zhu enters the game for no. 99 Simeng Chen
Hecares-Supreme: 5`58`` no.5 Timothy Zhu Two Point Made (2 points) 24:27
Hecares-Supreme: 5'35", no.11 Haolin Wang enters the game for no. 7 Jiayi Liu
Hecares-Supreme: 5`34`` no.11 Haolin Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
BBLove: 5`0`` no.24 Brady Liu Free Throw Made (10 points) 25:27
BBLove: 4'30", no.2 Chushi Cai enters the game for no. 1 Songchun Xie
BBLove: 4`28`` no.2 Chushi Cai Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 4`4`` no.5 Timothy Zhu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 4`3`` no.5 Timothy Zhu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 4`0`` no.5 Timothy Zhu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
BBLove: 3'5", no.13 Junyang Liu enters the game for no. 2 Chushi Cai
BBLove: 3`4`` no.13 Junyang Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
BBLove: 2`39`` no.77 Lifu Guo Three Point Made (5 points) 28:27
BBLove: 2`24`` no.77 Lifu Guo Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 1`54`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Free Throw Made (14 points) 28:28
Hecares-Supreme: 1`51`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Free Throw Made (15 points) 28:29
Hecares-Supreme: 1'35", no.7 Jiayi Liu enters the game for no. 10 Nan Wang
Hecares-Supreme: 1`33`` no.7 Jiayi Liu Two Point Made (6 points) 28:31
BBLove: 0`32`` no.13 Junyang Liu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
第3节 end
第4节 start
Hecares-Supreme: 8`19`` no.7 Jiayi Liu Two Point Made (8 points) 28:33
Hecares-Supreme: 7`48`` no.8 XinCheng Zhou Two Point Made (17 points) 28:35
Timeout at 7'27"
BBLove: 7`27`` no.61 Hao Qiu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 7'27", no.10 Nan Wang enters the game for no. 11 Haolin Wang
Hecares-Supreme: 7`27`` no.10 Nan Wang Free Throw Made (1 points) 28:36
Hecares-Supreme: 7`27`` no.10 Nan Wang Free Throw Made (2 points) 28:37
BBLove: 7`27`` no.24 Brady Liu Two Point Made (12 points) 30:37
Hecares-Supreme: 7'27", no.1 Tingho Lin enters the game for no. 10 Nan Wang
Hecares-Supreme: 7`27`` no.1 Tingho Lin Three Point Made (3 points) 30:40
BBLove: 7`27`` no.24 Brady Liu Two Point Made (14 points) 32:40
Hecares-Supreme: 7'27", no.99 Simeng Chen enters the game for no. 35 郑宏阳
Hecares-Supreme: 7'27", no.9 Shan Li enters the game for no. 99 Simeng Chen
BBLove: 7'27", no.1 Songchun Xie enters the game for no. 34 Shouyi Guo
BBLove: 7`27`` no.1 Songchun Xie Three Point Made (8 points) 35:40
Hecares-Supreme: 5`6`` no.5 Timothy Zhu Personal Foul (4 fouls)
BBLove: 4'33", no.9 Liwei Liu enters the game for no. 1 Songchun Xie
Hecares-Supreme: 4'8", no.11 Haolin Wang enters the game for no. 9 Shan Li
Hecares-Supreme: 4`6`` no.11 Haolin Wang Two Point Made (3 points) 35:42
BBLove: 3'53", no.1 Songchun Xie enters the game for no. 13 Junyang Liu
BBLove: 3`51`` no.1 Songchun Xie Three Point Made (11 points) 38:42
Hecares-Supreme: 3'30", no.6 Shuo Wu enters the game for no. 11 Haolin Wang
BBLove: 3'11", no.13 Junyang Liu enters the game for no. 9 Liwei Liu
BBLove: 3`9`` no.13 Junyang Liu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 2`43`` no.6 Shuo Wu Free Throw Made (8 points) 38:43
Hecares-Supreme: 2`33`` no.5 Timothy Zhu Personal Foul (5 fouls)
BBLove: 2`2`` no.24 Brady Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Hecares-Supreme: 1'38", no.10 Nan Wang enters the game for no. 1 Tingho Lin
Hecares-Supreme: 1`35`` no.10 Nan Wang Free Throw Made (3 points) 38:44