TRUE九牛 VS TCK的文字直播
第1节 start
9`44`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Three Point Miss
TRUE九牛: 9`32`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (2 points) 2:0
TRUE九牛: 8'41", no.7 Lin Gao enters the game for no. 10 Cheng Wang
TRUE九牛: 8`40`` no.7 Lin Gao Three Point Made (3 points) 5:0
The CeReal Killer: 8`25`` no.5 Andy Chou Two Point Made (2 points) 5:2
The CeReal Killer: 8`7`` no.5 Andy Chou Personal Foul (1 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 7'35", no.12 Zihao Xiong enters the game for no. 3 Chen Luo
TRUE九牛: 6`56`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Personal Foul (1 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 6`38`` no.7 Lin Gao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 6`11`` no.7 Lin Gao Two Point Made (5 points) 7:2
TRUE九牛: 5'37", no.8 Joey Chiu enters the game for no. 1 Christian dela Cruz
TRUE九牛: 5`36`` no.8 Joey Chiu Two Point Made (2 points) 9:2
TRUE九牛: 4`3`` no.7 Lin Gao Three Point Made (8 points) 12:2
The CeReal Killer: 3'47", no.15 Sheng Cho enters the game for no. 3 Chienhung Chen
The CeReal Killer: 3`45`` no.15 Sheng Cho Two Point Made (2 points) 12:4
The CeReal Killer: 2`47`` no.5 Andy Chou Personal Foul (2 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 2`21`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Free Throw Made (1 points) 13:4
TRUE九牛: 2`7`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Free Throw Made (2 points) 14:4
The CeReal Killer: 1`45`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Personal Foul (1 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 1'31", no.4 Jonathan Liang enters the game for no. 8 Joey Chiu
TRUE九牛: 1`30`` no.4 Jonathan Liang Three Point Made (3 points) 17:4
TRUE九牛: 0`24`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (4 points) 19:4
The CeReal Killer: 0`8`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Two Point Made (2 points) 19:6
第1节 end
第2节 start
The CeReal Killer: 9`49`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Two Point Made (4 points) 19:8
TRUE九牛: 9`36`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Three Point Made (3 points) 22:8
TRUE九牛: 9`13`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Two Point Made (5 points) 24:8
The CeReal Killer: 8`57`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Two Point Made (6 points) 24:10
TRUE九牛: 8'11", no.21 Long Yang enters the game for no. 4 Jonathan Liang
TRUE九牛: 8`10`` no.21 Long Yang Two Point Made (2 points) 26:10
TRUE九牛: 6`34`` no.21 Long Yang Two Point Made (4 points) 28:10
Timeout at 6'25"
TRUE九牛: 5'44", no.4 Jonathan Liang enters the game for no. 11 Chenxi zhao
TRUE九牛: 5`42`` no.4 Jonathan Liang Three Point Made (6 points) 31:10
TRUE九牛: 5`19`` no.21 Long Yang Two Point Made (6 points) 33:10
The CeReal Killer: 4'56", no.3 Chienhung Chen enters the game for no. 5 Andy Chou
The CeReal Killer: 4`54`` no.3 Chienhung Chen Three Point Made (3 points) 33:13
TRUE九牛: 4`3`` no.4 Jonathan Liang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
The CeReal Killer: 3'49", no.5 Andy Chou enters the game for no. 3 Chienhung Chen
The CeReal Killer: 3`43`` no.5 Andy Chou Free Throw Made (3 points) 33:14
The CeReal Killer: 3`24`` no.5 Andy Chou Free Throw Made (4 points) 33:15
TRUE九牛: 2`50`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Two Point Made (4 points) 35:15
The CeReal Killer: 2`1`` no.5 Andy Chou Two Point Made (6 points) 35:17
TRUE九牛: 1`23`` no.7 Lin Gao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
The CeReal Killer: 1`9`` no.15 Sheng Cho Free Throw Made (3 points) 35:18
0`54`` no.15 Sheng Cho Free Throw Miss
第2节 end
TRUE九牛: 0'0", no.1 Christian dela Cruz enters the game for no. 7 Lin Gao
TRUE九牛: 0`0`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Two Point Made (2 points) 37:18
第3节 start
TRUE九牛: 9'8", no.11 Chenxi zhao enters the game for no. 1 Christian dela Cruz
TRUE九牛: 9`7`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (6 points) 39:18
TRUE九牛: 8'38", no.8 Joey Chiu enters the game for no. 11 Chenxi zhao
TRUE九牛: 8`35`` no.8 Joey Chiu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`27`` no.5 Andy Chou Free Throw Miss
The CeReal Killer: 8`15`` no.5 Andy Chou Free Throw Made (7 points) 39:19
TRUE九牛: 7'46", no.11 Chenxi zhao enters the game for no. 4 Jonathan Liang
TRUE九牛: 7`45`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (8 points) 41:19
TRUE九牛: 7`35`` no.8 Joey Chiu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
The CeReal Killer: 7`19`` no.15 Sheng Cho Two Point Made (5 points) 41:21
TRUE九牛: 6`31`` no.8 Joey Chiu Two Point Made (4 points) 43:21
The CeReal Killer: 6`18`` no.15 Sheng Cho Two Point Made (7 points) 43:23
TRUE九牛: 5'29", no.1 Christian dela Cruz enters the game for no. 11 Chenxi zhao
TRUE九牛: 5`27`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Three Point Made (5 points) 46:23
The CeReal Killer: 5`9`` no.15 Sheng Cho Personal Foul (1 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 4`29`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Free Throw Made (6 points) 47:23
The CeReal Killer: 4`8`` no.15 Sheng Cho Personal Foul (2 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 4`3`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Free Throw Made (7 points) 48:23
TRUE九牛: 3`54`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Two Point Made (9 points) 50:23
TRUE九牛: 3`28`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Two Point Made (6 points) 52:23
TRUE九牛: 3`17`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Three Point Made (9 points) 55:23
TRUE九牛: 2'44", no.7 Lin Gao enters the game for no. 1 Christian dela Cruz
TRUE九牛: 2`43`` no.7 Lin Gao Two Point Made (10 points) 57:23
TRUE九牛: 2`13`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1`36`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Free Throw Miss
1`35`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Free Throw Miss
TRUE九牛: 1`25`` no.7 Lin Gao Three Point Made (13 points) 60:23
TRUE九牛: 1`7`` no.8 Joey Chiu Two Point Made (6 points) 62:23
TRUE九牛: 0`23`` no.21 Long Yang Two Point Made (8 points) 64:23
第3节 end
The CeReal Killer: 0'0", no.9 Ping Hwa Hsieh enters the game for no. 15 Sheng Cho
The CeReal Killer: 0`0`` no.9 Ping Hwa Hsieh Three Point Made (3 points) 64:26
第4节 start
The CeReal Killer: 9'10", no.3 Chienhung Chen enters the game for no. 5 Andy Chou
The CeReal Killer: 9`8`` no.3 Chienhung Chen Two Point Made (5 points) 64:28
The CeReal Killer: 8'3", no.5 Andy Chou enters the game for no. 56 Hao Cheng Lee
The CeReal Killer: 8`0`` no.5 Andy Chou Two Point Made (9 points) 64:30
TRUE九牛: 6`34`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Two Point Made (7 points) 66:30
The CeReal Killer: 6'17", no.15 Sheng Cho enters the game for no. 3 Chienhung Chen
The CeReal Killer: 6`16`` no.15 Sheng Cho Two Point Made (9 points) 66:32
TRUE九牛: 6'8", no.1 Christian dela Cruz enters the game for no. 7 Lin Gao
TRUE九牛: 6`6`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Three Point Made (12 points) 69:32
The CeReal Killer: 5`49`` no.15 Sheng Cho Two Point Made (11 points) 69:34
The CeReal Killer: 5`35`` no.15 Sheng Cho Free Throw Made (12 points) 69:35
TRUE九牛: 4`50`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Personal Foul (1 fouls)
TRUE九牛: 4`29`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Two Point Made (11 points) 71:35
TRUE九牛: 3`26`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Three Point Made (15 points) 74:35
Timeout at 2'59"
TRUE九牛: 2`59`` no.42 Anthony Carlos Two Point Made (9 points) 76:35
TRUE九牛: 2`30`` no.1 Christian dela Cruz Three Point Made (18 points) 79:35
The CeReal Killer: 2`1`` no.15 Sheng Cho Two Point Made (14 points) 79:37
TRUE九牛: 1'44", no.4 Jonathan Liang enters the game for no. 8 Joey Chiu
TRUE九牛: 1`43`` no.4 Jonathan Liang Two Point Made (8 points) 81:37
TRUE九牛: 1`25`` no.4 Jonathan Liang Three Point Made (11 points) 84:37
The CeReal Killer: 0'57", no.3 Chienhung Chen enters the game for no. 5 Andy Chou
The CeReal Killer: 0`55`` no.3 Chienhung Chen Three Point Made (8 points) 84:40
TRUE九牛: 0`26`` no.12 Zihao Xiong Personal Foul (2 fouls)
The CeReal Killer: 0`19`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Two Point Made (8 points) 84:42
0`0`` no.11 Hiroki Tanaka Free Throw Miss
第4节 end