
查看 67人 VS CCIC的文字直播


67人 VS CCIC的文字直播

第1节 start
67ers: 8`43`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Three Point Made (3 points) 3:0
Chinese Church In Christ: 8`32`` no.8 Tianming Wu Two Point Made (2 points) 3:2
67ers: 8`16`` no.15 Qixuan Sun Two Point Made (2 points) 5:2
67ers: 6`54`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (2 points) 7:2
67ers: 6`15`` no.7 Lingjun Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`9`` no.8 Tianming Wu Free Throw Miss
5`58`` no.8 Tianming Wu Free Throw Miss
67ers: 5`46`` no.15 Qixuan Sun Two Point Made (4 points) 9:2
Chinese Church In Christ: 4`59`` no.20 马世沣 Two Point Made (2 points) 9:4
67ers: 3`8`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (2 points) 11:4
Chinese Church In Christ: 3`5`` no.17 Zhen Duan Free Throw Made (1 points) 11:5
2`48`` no.43 Haotian Sun Free Throw Miss
Chinese Church In Christ: 2`34`` no.20 马世沣 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 2`31`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 2`23`` no.15 Qixuan Sun Two Point Made (6 points) 13:5
67ers: 2`2`` no.43 Haotian Sun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Chinese Church In Christ: 1`41`` no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (3 points) 13:7
Chinese Church In Christ: 1`12`` no.20 马世沣 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`55`` no.7 Lingjun Chen Free Throw Miss
67ers: 0`36`` no.7 Lingjun Chen Free Throw Made (1 points) 14:7
第1节 end

67ers: 10`0`` no.7 Lingjun Chen Two Point Made (3 points) 16:7
Chinese Church In Christ: 10`0`` no.17 Zhen Duan Two Point Made (5 points) 16:9

第2节 start
67ers: 9`29`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Chinese Church In Christ: 9`17`` no.13 Huiyuan Wu Free Throw Made (1 points) 16:10
9`15`` no.13 Huiyuan Wu Free Throw Miss
Chinese Church In Christ: 8`50`` no.17 Zhen Duan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 8`35`` no.15 Qixuan Sun Free Throw Made (7 points) 17:10
67ers: 8`28`` no.15 Qixuan Sun Free Throw Made (8 points) 18:10
67ers: 8`12`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Two Point Made (5 points) 20:10
Timeout at 6'24"
67ers: 5'35", no.6 Tianyi Liu enters the game for no. 77 Pengcheng Zhai
67ers: 5`34`` no.6 Tianyi Liu Two Point Made (2 points) 22:10
Chinese Church In Christ: 4'29", no.10 Tiankai Su enters the game for no. 17 Zhen Duan
67ers: 4`21`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Two Point Made (7 points) 24:10
67ers: 3'49", no.77 Pengcheng Zhai enters the game for no. 7 Lingjun Chen
67ers: 3`49`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (4 points) 26:10
Chinese Church In Christ: 3`37`` no.8 Tianming Wu Three Point Made (5 points) 26:13
Chinese Church In Christ: 2`40`` no.13 Huiyuan Wu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 2`25`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Free Throw Made (8 points) 27:13
2`15`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Free Throw Miss
第2节 end

第3节 start
Chinese Church In Christ: 9'22", no.14 Enning Xiang enters the game for no. 8 Tianming Wu
Chinese Church In Christ: 9`20`` no.14 Enning Xiang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 9'15", no.7 Lingjun Chen enters the game for no. 10 Yutong Zhang
67ers: 9`12`` no.7 Lingjun Chen Free Throw Made (4 points) 28:13
67ers: 9'8", no.3 Yexin Wang enters the game for no. 15 Qixuan Sun
67ers: 9'5", no.15 Qixuan Sun enters the game for no. 43 Haotian Sun
67ers: 9'1", no.43 Haotian Sun enters the game for no. 6 Tianyi Liu
Chinese Church In Christ: 8'50", no.17 Zhen Duan enters the game for no. 14 Enning Xiang
67ers: 8`23`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (4 points) 30:13
Chinese Church In Christ: 7`5`` no.10 Tiankai Su Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 5`40`` no.15 Qixuan Sun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 4`34`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (6 points) 32:13
67ers: 4'6", no.10 Yutong Zhang enters the game for no. 77 Pengcheng Zhai
67ers: 4`5`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Two Point Made (10 points) 34:13
67ers: 3`42`` no.3 Yexin Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
67ers: 3`25`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (8 points) 36:13
67ers: 2`59`` no.10 Yutong Zhang Two Point Made (12 points) 38:13
Chinese Church In Christ: 2`44`` no.20 马世沣 Two Point Made (4 points) 38:15
67ers: 1'27", no.21 Yu Yao enters the game for no. 3 Yexin Wang
67ers: 1'24", no.6 Tianyi Liu enters the game for no. 15 Qixuan Sun
67ers: 1'20", no.77 Pengcheng Zhai enters the game for no. 7 Lingjun Chen
67ers: 0`49`` no.21 Yu Yao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Chinese Church In Christ: 0`37`` no.20 马世沣 Three Point Made (7 points) 38:18
第3节 end

Chinese Church In Christ: 0`0`` no.20 马世沣 Three Point Made (10 points) 38:21

第4节 start
67ers: 8`45`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (10 points) 40:21
67ers: 8`11`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (6 points) 42:21
Chinese Church In Christ: 7`56`` no.20 马世沣 Three Point Made (13 points) 42:24
67ers: 7`14`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (12 points) 44:24
Chinese Church In Christ: 6`58`` no.10 Tiankai Su Two Point Made (2 points) 44:26
67ers: 6`29`` no.21 Yu Yao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Chinese Church In Christ: 5`59`` no.17 Zhen Duan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
67ers: 5`42`` no.21 Yu Yao Two Point Made (2 points) 46:26
67ers: 5`24`` no.43 Haotian Sun Two Point Made (14 points) 48:26
67ers: 4`49`` no.21 Yu Yao Two Point Made (4 points) 50:26
Chinese Church In Christ: 4'35", no.8 Tianming Wu enters the game for no. 91 Weige Wu
Chinese Church In Christ: 4`28`` no.8 Tianming Wu Two Point Made (7 points) 50:28
Chinese Church In Christ: 4`24`` no.8 Tianming Wu Three Point Made (10 points) 50:31
Timeout at 4'17"
67ers: 3`51`` no.21 Yu Yao Two Point Made (6 points) 52:31
Chinese Church In Christ: 2'14", no.91 Weige Wu enters the game for no. 13 Huiyuan Wu
Chinese Church In Christ: 2`13`` no.91 Weige Wu Two Point Made (2 points) 52:33
67ers: 1`48`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (8 points) 54:33
67ers: 1`38`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (10 points) 56:33
67ers: 1`13`` no.77 Pengcheng Zhai Three Point Made (13 points) 59:33
Chinese Church In Christ: 0`47`` no.91 Weige Wu Two Point Made (4 points) 59:35
第4节 end