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我要认真了 VS TMB的文字直播

第1节 start
9`48`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Two Point Miss
9`44`` no.7 Yihan Chen Block (1 blocks)
9`34`` no.27 lI lI Two Point Miss
9`32`` no.16 张双龙 Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`10`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Three Point Miss
9`7`` no.7 Yihan Chen Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`4`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Three Point Miss
9`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`52`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8`45`` no.10 Weibang He Two Point Made (2 points)
8`36`` no.7 Yihan Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`56`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`31`` no.16 张双龙 Three Point Made (3 points)
7`26`` no.14 许嗣磊 Two Point Made (2 points)
7`2`` no.10 Weibang He Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`56`` no.3 Qiushi Han Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`39`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Miss
Timeout at 6'31"
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Made (1 points)
6`31`` no.3 Qiushi Han Two Point Miss
6`31`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Three Point Miss
6`31`` no.16 张双龙 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`31`` no.27 lI lI Two Point Made (2 points)
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Made (3 points)
6`31`` no.14 许嗣磊 Assist (1 assists)
6`31`` no.14 许嗣磊 Steal (1 steals)
6`31`` no.14 许嗣磊 Two Point Made (4 points)
6`31`` no.16 张双龙 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`31`` no.16 张双龙 Steal (1 steals)
6'31", no.55 丁睿 enters the game for no. 11 Yeqi Zhang
6`31`` no.55 丁睿 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`31`` no.10 Weibang He Free Throw Made (3 points)
6'31", no.33 Dianjin Li enters the game for no. 16 张双龙
6'31", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 14 许嗣磊
6`31`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Free Throw Miss
6`31`` no.55 丁睿 Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`31`` no.3 Qiushi Han Two Point Miss
6`31`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
6`31`` no.27 lI lI Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`31`` no.33 Dianjin Li Turnover (1 turnovers)
6`31`` no.17 Yinan Lu Two Point Miss
6`31`` no.10 Weibang He Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6`31`` no.3 Qiushi Han Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Made (4 points)
6'31", no.1 Chuanlin Qu enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Miss
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`31`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Made (6 points)

第2节 start
9'50", no.7 Yihan Chen enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
9'46", no.55 丁睿 enters the game for no. 2 Xiaowei Cheng
9`44`` no.55 丁睿 Two Point Miss
9'39", no.17 Yinan Lu enters the game for no. 7 Yihan Chen
9`38`` no.17 Yinan Lu Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`31`` no.33 Dianjin Li Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9'14", no.2 Xiaowei Cheng enters the game for no. 22 Linfeng Hua
9'7", no.11 Xin Xie enters the game for no. 1 Chang liu
9`6`` no.11 Xin Xie Block (1 blocks)
9'3", no.17 Weiyi Long enters the game for no. 30 Hongyu Xu
9`0`` no.17 Yinan Lu Two Point Miss
8'50", no.21 Lisheng Gao enters the game for no. 17 Weiyi Long
8`49`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Miss
8`46`` no.17 Yinan Lu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8`39`` no.55 丁睿 Turnover (1 turnovers)
8'31", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 5 Linwei Chen
8`12`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7'56", no.6 Xuefeng Yan enters the game for no. 9 Shuaiqi Xia
7`49`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`32`` no.11 Xin Xie Free Throw Miss
7'23", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 3 Kun Huang
7`16`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Made (7 points)
6`56`` no.17 Yinan Lu Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
6`51`` no.17 Yinan Lu Two Point Made (2 points)
6`30`` no.17 Yinan Lu Steal (1 steals)
6`28`` no.11 Xin Xie Two Point Made (2 points)
6'8", no.3 Qiushi Han enters the game for no. 27 lI lI
6`5`` no.3 Qiushi Han Three Point Miss
5'58", no.5 Linwei Chen enters the game for no. 21 Lisheng Gao
5`34`` no.33 Dianjin Li Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`56`` no.5 Linwei Chen Two Point Made (2 points)
Timeout at 4'53"
4'53", no.27 lI lI enters the game for no. 1 Chuanlin Qu
4'53", no.1 Chuanlin Qu enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
4'53", no.38 Zhibing Zhang enters the game for no. 2 Xiaowei Cheng
4`53`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Turnover (1 turnovers)
4'53", no.10 夏阳 enters the game for no. 55 丁睿
4`53`` no.33 Dianjin Li Two Point Miss
4`53`` no.11 Xin Xie Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`53`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Block (1 blocks)
4`53`` no.17 Yinan Lu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4`53`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Free Throw Miss
4`53`` no.27 lI lI Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`53`` no.17 Yinan Lu Free Throw Miss
4`53`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
4`53`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
4`53`` no.33 Dianjin Li Free Throw Miss
4`53`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`53`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Personal Foul (4 fouls)
4`53`` no.33 Dianjin Li Free Throw Miss
4`53`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
4`53`` no.5 Linwei Chen Turnover (1 turnovers)
4`53`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Two Point Made (2 points)
4`53`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Two Point Miss
4`53`` no.5 Linwei Chen Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`53`` no.1 Chuanlin Qu Personal Foul (5 fouls)
4'53", no.7 Yihan Chen enters the game for no. 1 Chuanlin Qu
4`53`` no.5 Linwei Chen Free Throw Miss
4`53`` no.5 Linwei Chen Free Throw Made (3 points)

第3节 start
9'42", no.38 Zhibing Zhang enters the game for no. 22 Linfeng Hua
9'39", no.17 Yinan Lu enters the game for no. 1 Chuanlin Qu
9'37", no.7 Yihan Chen enters the game for no. 2 Xiaowei Cheng
9'28", no.10 Weibang He enters the game for no. 1 Chang liu
9`27`` no.10 Weibang He Steal (1 steals)
9`27`` no.10 Weibang He Turnover (1 turnovers)
9'5", no.21 Lisheng Gao enters the game for no. 33 Dianjin Li
9'3", no.16 张双龙 enters the game for no. 30 Hongyu Xu
9'2", no.14 许嗣磊 enters the game for no. 3 Kun Huang
9'0", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 5 Linwei Chen
8`57`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Miss
8`52`` no.17 Yinan Lu Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
8`41`` no.14 许嗣磊 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`24`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Miss
8`15`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Made (3 points)
7`50`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Three Point Miss
7`47`` no.27 lI lI Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`35`` no.27 lI lI Three Point Made (6 points)
7`23`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`56`` no.14 许嗣磊 Two Point Miss
6`52`` no.17 Yinan Lu Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
6`49`` no.27 lI lI Two Point Made (8 points)
Timeout at 6'44"
0'0", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 3 Kun Huang
0`0`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'0", no.14 许嗣磊 enters the game for no. 5 Linwei Chen
0'0", no.6 Xuefeng Yan enters the game for no. 9 Shuaiqi Xia
0'0", no.21 Lisheng Gao enters the game for no. 30 Hongyu Xu
0'0", no.10 Weibang He enters the game for no. 1 Chang liu
0`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'0", no.38 Zhibing Zhang enters the game for no. 1 Chuanlin Qu
0`0`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Miss
0'0", no.17 Yinan Lu enters the game for no. 22 Linfeng Hua
0'0", no.7 Yihan Chen enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
0`0`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Made (9 points)
0'0", no.3 Qiushi Han enters the game for no. 2 Xiaowei Cheng
0`0`` no.27 lI lI Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.27 lI lI Block (1 blocks)
0`0`` no.7 Yihan Chen Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.14 许嗣磊 Three Point Made (7 points)
0`0`` no.27 lI lI Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
0`0`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.10 Weibang He Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
0'0", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 33 Dianjin Li
0`0`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Three Point Miss
0`0`` no.14 许嗣磊 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Free Throw Miss
0`0`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Free Throw Miss
0`0`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
0`0`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Steal (1 steals)
0`0`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Turnover (1 turnovers)
0`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Steal (1 steals)
0'0", no.55 丁睿 enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
0`0`` no.55 丁睿 Turnover (2 turnovers)
0`0`` no.10 Weibang He Two Point Made (5 points)
0'0", no.5 Linwei Chen enters the game for no. 6 Xuefeng Yan
0`0`` no.5 Linwei Chen Assist (1 assists)
0'0", no.55 丁睿 enters the game for no. 1 Chuanlin Qu
0`0`` no.55 丁睿 Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.5 Linwei Chen Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0'0", no.6 Xuefeng Yan enters the game for no. 3 Kun Huang
0`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Three Point Made (3 points)
0'0", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 30 Hongyu Xu
0`0`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Assist (1 assists)
0`0`` no.22 Linfeng Hua Three Point Miss
0`0`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Three Point Miss
0'0", no.17 Yinan Lu enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
0`0`` no.17 Yinan Lu Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
0'0", no.64 Tianhao Zhou enters the game for no. 1 Chang liu
0'0", no.11 Yeqi Zhang enters the game for no. 55 丁睿
0'0", no.55 丁睿 enters the game for no. 27 lI lI
0'0", no.7 Yihan Chen enters the game for no. 2 Xiaowei Cheng
0`0`` no.17 Yinan Lu Two Point Made (4 points)
0`0`` no.5 Linwei Chen Turnover (2 turnovers)
0`0`` no.17 Yinan Lu Steal (2 steals)
0`0`` no.17 Yinan Lu Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
0`0`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Two Point Made (2 points)
0`0`` no.64 Tianhao Zhou Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.7 Yihan Chen Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Steal (2 steals)
0`0`` no.7 Yihan Chen Turnover (1 turnovers)
0`0`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Two Point Miss
10'0", no.38 Zhibing Zhang enters the game for no. 17 Yinan Lu
10'0", no.14 许嗣磊 enters the game for no. 33 Dianjin Li
10'0", no.21 Lisheng Gao enters the game for no. 9 Shuaiqi Xia
10'0", no.33 Dianjin Li enters the game for no. 5 Linwei Chen
10`0`` no.14 许嗣磊 Two Point Made (9 points)

第4节 start
9'51", no.27 lI lI enters the game for no. 7 Yihan Chen
9`47`` no.27 lI lI Assist (1 assists)
9`45`` no.27 lI lI Three Point Made (12 points)
9`23`` no.55 丁睿 Two Point Miss
9`21`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
9`19`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Turnover (1 turnovers)
9`17`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Steal (3 steals)
9`9`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Two Point Miss
9`4`` no.64 Tianhao Zhou Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`2`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`0`` no.64 Tianhao Zhou Two Point Miss
8`40`` no.27 lI lI Three Point Made (15 points)
8`37`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`58`` no.55 丁睿 Two Point Made (2 points)
7`40`` no.6 Xuefeng Yan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
Timeout at 7'8"
7'8", no.9 Shuaiqi Xia enters the game for no. 6 Xuefeng Yan
7`8`` no.55 丁睿 Free Throw Miss
7'8", no.10 Weibang He enters the game for no. 33 Dianjin Li
7'8", no.33 Dianjin Li enters the game for no. 10 Weibang He
7'8", no.10 Weibang He enters the game for no. 64 Tianhao Zhou
7`8`` no.10 Weibang He Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
7`8`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Miss
7`8`` no.33 Dianjin Li Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7`8`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Made (16 points)
7`8`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Miss
7`8`` no.10 Weibang He Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
7`8`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Turnover (1 turnovers)
7`8`` no.33 Dianjin Li Personal Foul (4 fouls)
7`8`` no.27 lI lI Three Point Made (19 points)
7`8`` no.9 Shuaiqi Xia Three Point Miss
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7'8", no.16 张双龙 enters the game for no. 33 Dianjin Li
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Three Point Miss
7`8`` no.10 Weibang He Block (1 blocks)
7`8`` no.55 丁睿 Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`8`` no.14 许嗣磊 Steal (2 steals)
7`8`` no.55 丁睿 Turnover (3 turnovers)
7`8`` no.14 许嗣磊 Two Point Miss
7`8`` no.14 许嗣磊 Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`8`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Two Point Miss
7`8`` no.10 Weibang He Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7'8", no.17 Yinan Lu enters the game for no. 55 丁睿
7`8`` no.38 Zhibing Zhang Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7`8`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Made (8 points)
7'8", no.3 Qiushi Han enters the game for no. 38 Zhibing Zhang
7`8`` no.21 Lisheng Gao Free Throw Miss
7`8`` no.3 Qiushi Han Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Three Point Miss
7`8`` no.16 张双龙 Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`8`` no.16 张双龙 Two Point Miss
7`8`` no.16 张双龙 Free Throw Made (4 points)
7`8`` no.16 张双龙 Free Throw Made (5 points)
7`8`` no.17 Yinan Lu Offensive Rebound (7 rebounds)
7`8`` no.14 许嗣磊 Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7`8`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Made (20 points)
7`8`` no.27 lI lI Free Throw Made (21 points)
7`8`` no.10 Weibang He Two Point Miss
7`8`` no.17 Yinan Lu Defensive Rebound (8 rebounds)
7`8`` no.3 Qiushi Han Three Point Miss
7`8`` no.14 许嗣磊 Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`8`` no.16 张双龙 Three Point Miss
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
7`8`` no.16 张双龙 Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7`8`` no.17 Yinan Lu Free Throw Miss
7`8`` no.17 Yinan Lu Free Throw Miss
7`8`` no.17 Yinan Lu Two Point Made (6 points)
7'8", no.2 Xiaowei Cheng enters the game for no. 3 Qiushi Han
7`8`` no.2 Xiaowei Cheng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`8`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Free Throw Miss
7`8`` no.17 Yinan Lu Turnover (1 turnovers)
7'8", no.3 Qiushi Han enters the game for no. 2 Xiaowei Cheng
7`8`` no.3 Qiushi Han Personal Foul (3 fouls)
0'0", no.14 许嗣磊 enters the game for no. 5 Linwei Chen
0`0`` no.14 许嗣磊 Free Throw Made (10 points)
0`0`` no.14 许嗣磊 Free Throw Made (11 points)
0'0", no.11 Yeqi Zhang enters the game for no. 1 Chuanlin Qu
0`0`` no.11 Yeqi Zhang Turnover (2 turnovers)