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PW VS SMG的文字直播

第1节 start
9`46`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Made (2 points)
9`29`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`2`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Made (2 points)
8`35`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
8`33`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`28`` no.13 Kechun Liu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`55`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Miss
7`52`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`41`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`28`` no.20 Shuting Yu Two Point Made (2 points)
7`21`` no.20 Shuting Yu Free Throw Miss
7`17`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`2`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Two Point Miss
6`59`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`42`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
6'34", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 16 Yung-Ching Lee
6`2`` no.10 Zini Zhu Two Point Made (2 points)
5`31`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Miss
5`29`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
5`29`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
5`27`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Miss
5`27`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Miss
5`25`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Made (2 points)
5`6`` no.10 Zini Zhu Two Point Miss
5`3`` no.13 Kechun Liu Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
4`13`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
4`10`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`0`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Made (4 points)
3`56`` no.20 Shuting Yu Assist (1 assists)
3`27`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Made (2 points)
3`7`` no.20 Shuting Yu Two Point Miss
3`2`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
2`55`` no.10 Zini Zhu Two Point Miss
2`52`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
2`32`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Three Point Miss
2`27`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
2`26`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Offensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
2`20`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
2`4`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Free Throw Made (5 points)
1'54", no.32 Tongtong Zhao enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
1'44", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
1`39`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Free Throw Made (6 points)
1'32", no.8 Hannah Lee enters the game for no. 13 Kechun Liu
1'25", no.13 Kechun Liu enters the game for no. 30 Jiajia Jing
1'12", no.16 Yung-Ching Lee enters the game for no. 20 Shuting Yu
1'11", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
1'9", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
1'8", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 14 Jingwen Yu
1'7", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
1`2`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Two Point Miss
1`0`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (7 rebounds)
0`40`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
0`38`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
0`29`` no.10 Zini Zhu Two Point Miss
0`26`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Miss
0`24`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (8 rebounds)
0`5`` no.17 Annie Chiang Two Point Miss
第1节 end

0`0`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.8 Hannah Lee Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
10'0", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
10'0", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih

第2节 start
9'55", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 14 Jingwen Yu
9`51`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Made (2 points)
9'36", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
9`29`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
9`15`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
9`12`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8`55`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
8`53`` no.2 Ashley Chen Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`46`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Made (4 points)
8`42`` no.5 Chao-Fang Shih Assist (1 assists)
8`17`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`6`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Made (1 points)
7`53`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Made (2 points)
7`32`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7'22", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
7`1`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Two Point Miss
6`49`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Miss
6`43`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
6`39`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Miss
6'26", no.34 Jinghua Yao enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
6`26`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`22`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Miss
6`19`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6'13", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 10 Zini Zhu
6`12`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
6`10`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6`6`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Miss
6`4`` no.8 Hannah Lee Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
5`52`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Made (4 points)
5`23`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
5`22`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
5'14", no.24 Bingqing Zu enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
5`13`` no.24 Bingqing Zu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
5'3", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 13 Kechun Liu
5`1`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`48`` no.4 Esther Ng Free Throw Miss
4'37", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 16 Yung-Ching Lee
4'25", no.20 Shuting Yu enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
4`23`` no.20 Shuting Yu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4'6", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
4`4`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Turnover (1 turnovers)
3'54", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
3`46`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Steal (1 steals)
3`43`` no.8 Hannah Lee Steal (1 steals)
3`40`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Made (6 points)
3`16`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Miss
3`12`` no.5 Chao-Fang Shih Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
3`10`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Three Point Miss
3`6`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
2`50`` no.9 Wan Hua Ma Two Point Miss
2`49`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
2`33`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
2`27`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Offensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
2`26`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Two Point Made (2 points)
2`10`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Timeout at 2'6"
2'6", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 14 Jingwen Yu
2'6", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
2'6", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
2'6", no.16 Yung-Ching Lee enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
2'6", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
2'6", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 20 Shuting Yu
0'0", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
0'0", no.16 Yung-Ching Lee enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
0'0", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
0'0", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
0`0`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'0", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 88 Chu-Ting Fan
0'0", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 11 Alice Hong
0'0", no.13 Kechun Liu enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
0'0", no.8 Hannah Lee enters the game for no. 6 Christy Leung
0`0`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Three Point Made (7 points)
0'0", no.32 Tongtong Zhao enters the game for no. 1 Danyang Cai
0`0`` no.13 Kechun Liu Three Point Miss
0`0`` no.17 Annie Chiang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)

第3节 start
9`25`` no.2 Ashley Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`9`` no.13 Kechun Liu Free Throw Miss
8`59`` no.13 Kechun Liu Free Throw Miss
8'53", no.20 Shuting Yu enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
8`51`` no.20 Shuting Yu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8'46", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 16 Yung-Ching Lee
8'41", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 14 Jingwen Yu
8`39`` no.9 Wan Hua Ma Two Point Miss
8`36`` no.20 Shuting Yu Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
8`29`` no.2 Ashley Chen Three Point Miss
8'12", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
8`3`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Miss
7`55`` no.2 Ashley Chen Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`48`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Three Point Miss
7`32`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7'19", no.0 Wenfei Yan enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
7'15", no.10 Zini Zhu enters the game for no. 13 Kechun Liu
7`13`` no.10 Zini Zhu Free Throw Miss
7'7", no.13 Kechun Liu enters the game for no. 24 Bingqing Zu
6`56`` no.10 Zini Zhu Free Throw Made (3 points)
6`27`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Personal Foul (3 fouls)
Timeout at 5'31"
5'30", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
5`30`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
5`30`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Made (4 points)
5`2`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Steal (1 steals)
4`47`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Made (6 points)
4`26`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4'13", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
4'10", no.16 Yung-Ching Lee enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
4`8`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Free Throw Miss
4'5", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
3`50`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Free Throw Made (8 points)
3`29`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Miss
3`26`` no.5 Chao-Fang Shih Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
3`13`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
3`8`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
2`50`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Made (8 points)
2`47`` no.10 Zini Zhu Assist (1 assists)
2`23`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Three Point Miss
2`21`` no.20 Shuting Yu Offensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
2`19`` no.20 Shuting Yu Two Point Miss
2`12`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Made (8 points)
2`7`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2'0", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 0 Wenfei Yan
1'54", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 20 Shuting Yu
1`34`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Free Throw Miss
1`31`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
1`10`` no.5 Chao-Fang Shih Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`2`` no.10 Zini Zhu Free Throw Made (4 points)
0`50`` no.10 Zini Zhu Free Throw Miss
0`26`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
0`23`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
0`13`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Three Point Made (11 points)
第3节 end

0`0`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Steal (1 steals)
0`0`` no.13 Kechun Liu Turnover (1 turnovers)

第4节 start
9`54`` no.5 Chao-Fang Shih Two Point Miss
9`50`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
9`26`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Miss
9'19", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 14 Jingwen Yu
9`18`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
9`17`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Offensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
9'0", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
8`55`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Three Point Miss
8`50`` no.13 Kechun Liu Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
8`32`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Made (8 points)
8`24`` no.10 Zini Zhu Assist (2 assists)
8`13`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Made (13 points)
7`55`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7'45", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
7`31`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Free Throw Made (14 points)
7`14`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Miss
7`12`` no.13 Kechun Liu Offensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
7`4`` no.2 Ashley Chen Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`0`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Offensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
6`50`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
6`36`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
6`31`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (9 rebounds)
6`22`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
6`19`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Offensive Rebound (10 rebounds)
6`18`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Miss
6`11`` no.10 Zini Zhu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`6`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
6`2`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (11 rebounds)
5`47`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
5`45`` no.13 Kechun Liu Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
5`28`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Turnover (1 turnovers)
5`27`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Steal (2 steals)
5`10`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Made (10 points)
Timeout at 5'6"
5`6`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Assist (1 assists)
4`37`` no.10 Zini Zhu Turnover (1 turnovers)
4`36`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Steal (2 steals)
4`23`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Three Point Miss
4`17`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
3`48`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Miss
3`43`` no.2 Ashley Chen Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
3`25`` no.10 Zini Zhu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3'6", no.20 Shuting Yu enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
3`2`` no.20 Shuting Yu Free Throw Miss
2'53", no.24 Bingqing Zu enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
2'49", no.34 Jinghua Yao enters the game for no. 10 Zini Zhu
2'44", no.7 Baoying Yuan enters the game for no. 13 Kechun Liu
2'33", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 32 Tongtong Zhao
2`25`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
2`22`` no.20 Shuting Yu Free Throw Miss
2`16`` no.24 Bingqing Zu Three Point Miss
1`53`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (3 fouls)
1`53`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Free Throw Miss
1`53`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Free Throw Miss
1`47`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
1`43`` no.24 Bingqing Zu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`33`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (4 fouls)
1'33", no.13 Kechun Liu enters the game for no. 34 Jinghua Yao
1`33`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Free Throw Miss
1`33`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
1`33`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Free Throw Miss
1`33`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Defensive Rebound (12 rebounds)
1`26`` no.13 Kechun Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`26`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Free Throw Miss
1`26`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Free Throw Miss
1`26`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`22`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Free Throw Miss
1`22`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (4 fouls)
1`22`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Free Throw Miss
1`22`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Offensive Rebound (13 rebounds)
1`22`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Made (12 points)
0`56`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
0`46`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
0`40`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
0`37`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
0`32`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
0`28`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
0`21`` no.24 Bingqing Zu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`21`` no.20 Shuting Yu Free Throw Made (3 points)
0`21`` no.20 Shuting Yu Free Throw Miss
0`21`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0`21`` no.24 Bingqing Zu Turnover (1 turnovers)
0`21`` no.20 Shuting Yu Three Point Miss
第4节 end