Ace VS PW的文字直播
第1节 start
9`2`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Made (2 points)
8`57`` no.22 Shangli Wu Two Point Miss
8`43`` no.2 Ashley Chen Three Point Made (3 points)
8`27`` no.3 Yaxian Li Two Point Miss
8`5`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Made (2 points)
7`0`` no.22 Shangli Wu Two Point Miss
6`58`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Two Point Miss
6`21`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Miss
6`5`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
6`3`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
5`39`` no.13 Chloe Yan Two Point Made (2 points)
4'42", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 20 Shuting Yu
4`26`` no.3 Yaxian Li Two Point Miss
4`25`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Miss
4`8`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
3`56`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Miss
3`50`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
3`25`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3`13`` no.3 Yaxian Li Free Throw Miss
3'8", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 88 Yih-Harn Chiang
3'3", no.29 Tienning Hsu enters the game for no. 5 Yiyin Wang
2'46", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
2'33", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
2`23`` no.17 Annie Chiang Two Point Miss
2'3", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 16 Yung-Ching Lee
1`32`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Two Point Miss
1`3`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Two Point Miss
0`48`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Two Point Miss
0`47`` no.3 Yaxian Li Two Point Miss
0`40`` no.17 Annie Chiang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`19`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Free Throw Made (1 points)
0`7`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Free Throw Miss
第1节 end
10'0", no.16 Yung-Ching Lee enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
10'0", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
10'0", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
10'0", no.20 Shuting Yu enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
10'0", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
10'0", no.30 邱家希 enters the game for no. 22 Shangli Wu
10'0", no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang enters the game for no. 13 Chloe Yan
10`0`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.20 Shuting Yu Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
10`0`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.30 邱家希 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
10`0`` no.17 Annie Chiang Three Point Miss
10'0", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
10`0`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Personal Foul (1 fouls)
10`0`` no.3 Yaxian Li Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
10'0", no.5 Yiyin Wang enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
10'0", no.13 Chloe Yan enters the game for no. 30 邱家希
10'0", no.22 Shangli Wu enters the game for no. 3 Yaxian Li
10`0`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Three Point Miss
10'0", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
10'0", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
10`0`` no.22 Shangli Wu Three Point Miss
10`0`` no.2 Ashley Chen Three Point Miss
10`0`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
10'0", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 20 Shuting Yu
10`0`` no.2 Ashley Chen Three Point Miss
10`0`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Miss
10'0", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 22 Shangli Wu
10'0", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 16 Yung-Ching Lee
10`0`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Made (3 points)
10`0`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Personal Foul (2 fouls)
10`0`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Free Throw Miss
10'0", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
10`0`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Free Throw Miss
10`0`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Made (6 points)
第2节 start
第3节 start
9`47`` no.17 Annie Chiang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
9'0", no.20 Shuting Yu enters the game for no. 17 Annie Chiang
8`59`` no.20 Shuting Yu Three Point Miss
8`49`` no.13 Chloe Yan Two Point Miss
7'51", no.16 Yung-Ching Lee enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
7`48`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`32`` no.13 Chloe Yan Free Throw Made (3 points)
7'22", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 2 Ashley Chen
7`5`` no.13 Chloe Yan Free Throw Miss
5`49`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Three Point Miss
5`31`` no.20 Shuting Yu Three Point Miss
5'20", no.11 Maggie Hwaun enters the game for no. 21 Chia-I Wei
5`19`` no.11 Maggie Hwaun Personal Foul (3 fouls)
4`58`` no.13 Chloe Yan Free Throw Made (4 points)
4'45", no.5 Chao-Fang Shih enters the game for no. 20 Shuting Yu
4'43", no.2 Ashley Chen enters the game for no. 11 Maggie Hwaun
4'40", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 88 Chu-Ting Fan
4`27`` no.13 Chloe Yan Free Throw Made (5 points)
4'12", no.21 Chia-I Wei enters the game for no. 14 Jingwen Yu
3`55`` no.2 Ashley Chen Three Point Miss
3`17`` no.16 Yung-Ching Lee Two Point Made (4 points)
2'53", no.30 邱家希 enters the game for no. 13 Chloe Yan
2`51`` no.30 邱家希 Two Point Made (2 points)
Timeout at 2'42"
2'30", no.20 Shuting Yu enters the game for no. 5 Chao-Fang Shih
2'20", no.14 Jingwen Yu enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
2'17", no.9 Wan Hua Ma enters the game for no. 16 Yung-Ching Lee
2'11", no.13 Chloe Yan enters the game for no. 30 邱家希
2`9`` no.13 Chloe Yan Three Point Miss
2'4", no.3 Yaxian Li enters the game for no. 24 Jui-Chun Yang
2'3", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 2 Mingxi Zhu
2'1", no.29 Tienning Hsu enters the game for no. 22 Shangli Wu
1'59", no.22 Shangli Wu enters the game for no. 11 Shuyuan Tsai
1`33`` no.22 Shangli Wu Two Point Miss
1`13`` no.22 Shangli Wu Two Point Made (2 points)
1`7`` no.21 Chia-I Wei Three Point Made (5 points)
0'34", no.17 Annie Chiang enters the game for no. 9 Wan Hua Ma
0`17`` no.14 Jingwen Yu Two Point Miss
0`2`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Two Point Miss
第3节 end