蓝鲸 VS SMG的文字直播
第1节 start
9`7`` no.14 Duorui Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`46`` no.4 Esther Ng Free Throw Made (1 points)
8`31`` no.4 Esther Ng Free Throw Made (2 points)
6`4`` no.2 Ying Dai Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`36`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
5'23", no.33 Wenpei Liu enters the game for no. 2 Ying Dai
5`16`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
4`6`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Made (4 points)
3`29`` no.33 Wenpei Liu Free Throw Made (1 points)
3`21`` no.33 Wenpei Liu Free Throw Made (2 points)
2'55", no.7 Qiaochu Zhu enters the game for no. 23 曹杨
2`25`` no.3 Shaomin feng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`26`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Two Point Made (2 points)
0`46`` no.11 Ming Kang Two Point Made (2 points)
第1节 end
第2节 start
9'2", no.3 Pengyang Zhou enters the game for no. 13 Alice Shen
8`54`` no.13 Kechun Liu Three Point Made (3 points)
8`15`` no.33 Wenpei Liu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`51`` no.4 Esther Ng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`46`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Made (2 points)
7'17", no.34 Jinghua Yao enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
7`15`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`3`` no.14 Duorui Xu Three Point Made (3 points)
6'28", no.10 Zini Zhu enters the game for no. 32 Tongtong Zhao
6'21", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 3 Shaomin feng
6`7`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Two Point Made (4 points)
5`29`` no.13 Kechun Liu Two Point Made (5 points)
4'53", no.32 Tongtong Zhao enters the game for no. 13 Kechun Liu
4'35", no.7 Baoying Yuan enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
4'33", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 8 Hannah Lee
4'27", no.2 Ying Dai enters the game for no. 3 Pengyang Zhou
4`26`` no.2 Ying Dai Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`13`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Made (1 points)
4`4`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Made (2 points)
3'54", no.8 Hannah Lee enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
3'52", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 3 Shaomin feng
3'37", no.3 Pengyang Zhou enters the game for no. 14 Duorui Xu
3'34", no.23 曹杨 enters the game for no. 11 Ming Kang
3'33", no.14 Duorui Xu enters the game for no. 33 Wenpei Liu
3`13`` no.14 Duorui Xu Three Point Made (6 points)
2`17`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`5`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Free Throw Made (5 points)
2'1", no.7 Baoying Yuan enters the game for no. 10 Zini Zhu
1'57", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 34 Jinghua Yao
1`49`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Free Throw Miss
1'6", no.33 Wenpei Liu enters the game for no. 3 Pengyang Zhou
0`7`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
第2节 end
0`0`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
0`0`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
第3节 start
9`41`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`28`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Two Point Made (7 points)
9`11`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
8'59", no.13 Kechun Liu enters the game for no. 8 Hannah Lee
8`55`` no.13 Kechun Liu Free Throw Miss
8`43`` no.13 Kechun Liu Free Throw Miss
8'31", no.8 Hannah Lee enters the game for no. 32 Tongtong Zhao
8'27", no.6 Christy Leung enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
8'4", no.3 Pengyang Zhou enters the game for no. 2 Ying Dai
7`20`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7'14", no.11 Ming Kang enters the game for no. 7 Qiaochu Zhu
5`25`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Made (2 points)
5`3`` no.3 Pengyang Zhou Two Point Made (2 points)
4`36`` no.13 Kechun Liu Three Point Made (8 points)
3'27", no.2 Ying Dai enters the game for no. 33 Wenpei Liu
3'21", no.32 Tongtong Zhao enters the game for no. 3 Shaomin feng
3`20`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
3`11`` no.14 Duorui Xu Three Point Made (9 points)
3'5", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 8 Hannah Lee
3'4", no.34 Jinghua Yao enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
3'0", no.10 Zini Zhu enters the game for no. 6 Christy Leung
2`2`` no.3 Pengyang Zhou Three Point Made (5 points)
1`36`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Two Point Made (4 points)
1'24", no.13 Alice Shen enters the game for no. 23 曹杨
1'19", no.7 Qiaochu Zhu enters the game for no. 11 Ming Kang
0`27`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Two Point Made (9 points)
第3节 end
10`0`` no.13 Alice Shen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
10'0", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 32 Tongtong Zhao
第4节 start
9'56", no.8 Hannah Lee enters the game for no. 3 Shaomin feng
9'52", no.32 Tongtong Zhao enters the game for no. 34 Jinghua Yao
9`39`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Personal Foul (3 fouls)
9`23`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Free Throw Miss
9`12`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Free Throw Miss
8`25`` no.14 Duorui Xu Two Point Made (11 points)
7`47`` no.7 Qiaochu Zhu Two Point Made (11 points)
Timeout at 6'45"
6`2`` no.3 Pengyang Zhou Three Point Made (8 points)
5`50`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Two Point Made (6 points)
5'11", no.33 Wenpei Liu enters the game for no. 13 Alice Shen
5`9`` no.33 Wenpei Liu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`51`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Made (3 points)
4'40", no.23 曹杨 enters the game for no. 14 Duorui Xu
4`31`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Miss
3`37`` no.4 Esther Ng Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0'0", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 1 Danyang Cai
0'0", no.8 Hannah Lee enters the game for no. 6 Christy Leung
0'0", no.34 Jinghua Yao enters the game for no. 11 Alice Hong
0`0`` no.14 Duorui Xu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.4 Esther Ng Two Point Made (6 points)
0'0", no.7 Qiaochu Zhu enters the game for no. 60 Hong Chu
0'0", no.23 曹杨 enters the game for no. 99 Jing Xiong
0'0", no.3 Pengyang Zhou enters the game for no. 21 Jianghan Qu
0'0", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
0`0`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Made (4 points)
0'0", no.2 Ying Dai enters the game for no. 23 曹杨
0`0`` no.3 Shaomin feng Personal Foul (2 fouls)
第4节 end
0`0`` no.3 Shaomin feng Personal Foul (3 fouls)
0`0`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Made (6 points)