Ace VS SMG的文字直播
第1节 start
9`50`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`29`` no.22 Shangli Wu Free Throw Miss
9`18`` no.22 Shangli Wu Free Throw Made (1 points)
8`59`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
8`39`` no.22 Shangli Wu Two Point Miss
8`29`` Team Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`10`` no.34 Jinghua Yao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`52`` no.30 邱家希 Free Throw Miss
7'41", no.7 Baoying Yuan enters the game for no. 34 Jinghua Yao
7`33`` no.30 邱家希 Free Throw Made (1 points)
7`12`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
7`8`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`46`` no.4 Esther Ng Steal (1 steals)
6`43`` no.8 Hannah Lee Turnover (1 turnovers)
6`35`` no.30 邱家希 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`16`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
6`14`` no.30 邱家希 Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`6`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
6`4`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
5`37`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`5`` no.30 邱家希 Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
5`3`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Two Point Miss
4`39`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Assist (1 assists)
4`36`` no.22 Shangli Wu Two Point Made (3 points)
4`17`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
4`8`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
4`6`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3`55`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Steal (1 steals)
3`51`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Turnover (1 turnovers)
3`40`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Steal (1 steals)
3`36`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Turnover (1 turnovers)
3'25", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 10 Zini Zhu
3`14`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3'1", no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun enters the game for no. 30 邱家希
2`48`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`8`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
2`5`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1`58`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (1 fouls)
Timeout at 1'49"
1'49", no.5 Yiyin Wang enters the game for no. 88 Yih-Harn Chiang
1`49`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Miss
1`49`` Team Rebound (2 rebounds)
1`49`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Miss
1`49`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1`49`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Made (2 points)
1`49`` no.8 Hannah Lee Assist (1 assists)
1`49`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Turnover (1 turnovers)
1`49`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Personal Foul (1 fouls)
1`49`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Made (1 points)
1`49`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Made (2 points)
1`49`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1'49", no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
1'49", no.3 Yaxian Li enters the game for no. 29 Tienning Hsu
1`32`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Miss
1`30`` no.22 Shangli Wu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1`21`` no.3 Yaxian Li Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1`17`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Miss
1`13`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
1`11`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Assist (1 assists)
0'44", no.6 Christy Leung enters the game for no. 4 Esther Ng
0`42`` no.6 Christy Leung Two Point Miss
0`40`` no.22 Shangli Wu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0`32`` no.3 Yaxian Li Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`2`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Miss
0`0`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Block (1 blocks)
第1节 end
第2节 start
7`53`` no.3 Yaxian Li Two Point Made (2 points)
7`51`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Assist (2 assists)
7`32`` no.3 Yaxian Li Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`13`` no.6 Christy Leung Three Point Miss
7`11`` no.3 Yaxian Li Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6`57`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`27`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Free Throw Made (3 points)
6`16`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Free Throw Made (4 points)
5`56`` no.6 Christy Leung Two Point Miss
5`54`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
5`49`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Two Point Made (2 points)
5`47`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Assist (1 assists)
5`26`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Miss
5`25`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
5`19`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Made (6 points)
5`18`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Assist (1 assists)
5`1`` no.22 Shangli Wu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4`39`` no.3 Shaomin feng Free Throw Miss
4`36`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`20`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Made (4 points)
4`18`` no.8 Hannah Lee Assist (2 assists)
3`51`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Made (2 points)
3`49`` no.22 Shangli Wu Assist (1 assists)
3`28`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3'12", no.30 邱家希 enters the game for no. 5 Yiyin Wang
3'11", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 22 Shangli Wu
2`59`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Free Throw Miss
2`55`` no.30 邱家希 Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
2'34", no.34 Jinghua Yao enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
2'27", no.4 Esther Ng enters the game for no. 6 Christy Leung
2'2", no.22 Shangli Wu enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
2`0`` no.22 Shangli Wu Three Point Miss
1`58`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
1`49`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
1`21`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1'17", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 22 Shangli Wu
1`10`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Free Throw Made (1 points)
0`38`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Miss
0`35`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Block (1 blocks)
0`35`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
第2节 end
0`0`` no.3 Shaomin feng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`0`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Free Throw Made (3 points)
0`0`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Free Throw Miss
第3节 start
9`51`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
9`48`` Team Rebound (3 rebounds)
9'33", no.7 Baoying Yuan enters the game for no. 3 Shaomin feng
9'31", no.10 Zini Zhu enters the game for no. 34 Jinghua Yao
9`13`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
9`11`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8'45", no.29 Tienning Hsu enters the game for no. 17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun
8`31`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Two Point Miss
8`28`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
8`26`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
8'23", no.22 Shangli Wu enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
8`21`` no.22 Shangli Wu Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
8`2`` no.8 Hannah Lee Personal Foul (3 fouls)
7'40", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 3 Yaxian Li
7`38`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`31`` no.10 Zini Zhu Three Point Miss
7`29`` no.22 Shangli Wu Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
7`24`` no.10 Zini Zhu Steal (1 steals)
7`15`` no.4 Esther Ng Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
7`13`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Two Point Miss
7'0", no.3 Yaxian Li enters the game for no. 29 Tienning Hsu
6`57`` no.4 Esther Ng Turnover (1 turnovers)
6`45`` no.4 Esther Ng Steal (2 steals)
6`42`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Turnover (2 turnovers)
6`25`` no.8 Hannah Lee Three Point Miss
6`23`` no.30 邱家希 Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
6`5`` no.4 Esther Ng Steal (3 steals)
5`54`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
5`34`` no.10 Zini Zhu Free Throw Miss
5'24", no.5 Yiyin Wang enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
4'57", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 10 Zini Zhu
4'48", no.30 Jiajia Jing enters the game for no. 32 Tongtong Zhao
4`46`` no.30 Jiajia Jing Steal (1 steals)
4`37`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Personal Foul (3 fouls)
4'25", no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun enters the game for no. 88 Yih-Harn Chiang
4`13`` no.8 Hannah Lee Turnover (2 turnovers)
3`54`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Made (5 points)
3'52", no.5 Joanne Jiang enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
3`27`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Personal Foul (2 fouls)
3`5`` no.3 Shaomin feng Turnover (1 turnovers)
2`42`` no.5 Joanne Jiang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
2`40`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Miss
2`34`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Steal (1 steals)
2`32`` no.5 Joanne Jiang Turnover (1 turnovers)
2`21`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Two Point Miss
2`20`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
2`12`` no.3 Shaomin feng Personal Foul (2 fouls)
2`1`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Made (7 points)
1`57`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Free Throw Miss
1`53`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
1`52`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Made (9 points)
Timeout at 1'50"
1'50", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 30 邱家希
1'33", no.10 Zini Zhu enters the game for no. 5 Joanne Jiang
1`30`` no.10 Zini Zhu Two Point Miss
1`29`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
1`17`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
1`15`` no.10 Zini Zhu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1`9`` no.22 Shangli Wu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`38`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0`35`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Miss
0`27`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
0`24`` no.3 Shaomin feng Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
0`17`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Steal (2 steals)
0`16`` no.3 Shaomin feng Turnover (2 turnovers)
0`5`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
0`1`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
第3节 end
0`0`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Made (11 points)
第4节 start
9'44", no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang enters the game for no. 3 Yaxian Li
9`42`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Three Point Made (3 points)
9`34`` no.8 Hannah Lee Two Point Made (4 points)
9`18`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
9'15", no.5 Joanne Jiang enters the game for no. 3 Shaomin feng
9`13`` no.5 Joanne Jiang Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
9'2", no.6 Christy Leung enters the game for no. 10 Zini Zhu
9`0`` no.6 Christy Leung Three Point Miss
8`44`` no.8 Hannah Lee Steal (1 steals)
8`31`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Personal Foul (4 fouls)
8`14`` no.8 Hannah Lee Free Throw Made (5 points)
8'5", no.7 Baoying Yuan enters the game for no. 30 Jiajia Jing
7`53`` no.7 Baoying Yuan Free Throw Made (3 points)
7'27", no.32 Tongtong Zhao enters the game for no. 7 Baoying Yuan
7`26`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
7`18`` no.6 Christy Leung Two Point Miss
7`3`` no.22 Shangli Wu Assist (2 assists)
6`46`` no.32 Tongtong Zhao Two Point Miss
6`44`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
6`18`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Made (4 points)
5`47`` no.6 Christy Leung Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
5`44`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Two Point Miss
5`34`` no.17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun Steal (3 steals)
5'28", no.0 Wenfei Yan enters the game for no. 5 Joanne Jiang
Timeout at 5'26"
5'26", no.30 Jiajia Jing enters the game for no. 32 Tongtong Zhao
5'26", no.3 Shaomin feng enters the game for no. 6 Christy Leung
5'23", no.29 Tienning Hsu enters the game for no. 88 Yih-Harn Chiang
5`4`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Miss
5`2`` no.0 Wenfei Yan Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`57`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Made (3 points)
4`39`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Three Point Made (7 points)
4'32", no.30 邱家希 enters the game for no. 22 Shangli Wu
4`30`` no.30 邱家希 Assist (1 assists)
4`26`` no.30 Jiajia Jing Three Point Miss
3`56`` no.3 Shaomin feng Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
3`38`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
3`35`` no.30 邱家希 Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
2`55`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Personal Foul (3 fouls)
2`45`` no.4 Esther Ng Free Throw Made (4 points)
2'37", no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
2'35", no.23 Yuyuan Tong enters the game for no. 30 邱家希
2`27`` no.23 Yuyuan Tong Free Throw Miss
1`44`` no.0 Wenfei Yan Three Point Miss
1`42`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
1'17", no.3 Yaxian Li enters the game for no. 17 Stephanie Lisin Tandun
1`15`` no.3 Yaxian Li Two Point Made (4 points)
1`13`` no.5 Yiyin Wang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`56`` no.3 Shaomin feng Two Point Made (6 points)
0`40`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Three Point Made (6 points)
0'37", no.22 Shangli Wu enters the game for no. 23 Yuyuan Tong
0`31`` no.29 Tienning Hsu Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
0`29`` no.4 Esther Ng Three Point Miss
0`8`` no.88 Yih-Harn Chiang Three Point Miss
第4节 end