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平底锅 VS Cata的文字直播

第1节 start
9`34`` no.9 徐雷 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`16`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Free Throw Made (1 points)
9`9`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Free Throw Miss
9`5`` no.7 Lin Gao Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`0`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Miss
8`59`` no.3 Chen Luo Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`57`` no.3 Chen Luo Two Point Made (2 points)
8`49`` no.3 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`17`` no.3 Chen Luo Free Throw Made (3 points)
8`3`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Steal (1 steals)
7`56`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Assist (1 assists)
7`54`` no.2 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (2 points)
7`36`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Miss
7`34`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`33`` no.2 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (4 points)
7`14`` no.3 Shengming Xu Three Point Miss
7`12`` no.3 Chen Luo Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`7`` no.2 Jialun Chen Assist (1 assists)
7`6`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (3 points)
6`30`` no.4 Chao Lei Two Point Made (2 points)
6`26`` no.9 徐雷 Assist (1 assists)
6`9`` no.3 Chen Luo Turnover (1 turnovers)
5`56`` no.7 Lin Gao Steal (1 steals)
5`53`` no.7 Lin Gao Two Point Made (2 points)
5`38`` no.4 Chao Lei Three Point Miss
5`37`` no.3 Chen Luo Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
5`31`` no.2 Jialun Chen Three Point Made (7 points)
5`28`` no.7 Lin Gao Assist (1 assists)
5`10`` no.3 Chen Luo Personal Foul (1 fouls)
4`49`` no.4 Chao Lei Two Point Miss
4`47`` no.3 Shengming Xu Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`46`` no.7 Lin Gao Steal (2 steals)
4`42`` no.7 Lin Gao Two Point Made (4 points)
4`26`` no.7 Lin Gao Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3`57`` no.3 Chen Luo Steal (1 steals)
3`55`` no.2 Jialun Chen Assist (2 assists)
3`53`` no.3 Chen Luo Two Point Made (5 points)
3`26`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Miss
3`24`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
3`22`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (5 points)
3`8`` no.7 Lin Gao Steal (3 steals)
3`3`` no.7 Lin Gao Assist (2 assists)
3`1`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Made (7 points)
Timeout at 2'55"
2`30`` no.2 Jialun Chen Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`14`` no.7 Lin Gao Personal Foul (2 fouls)
1`58`` no.5 朱宁 Steal (1 steals)
1`54`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Two Point Miss
1'51", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
1`49`` no.10 王孜翼 Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1'42", no.1 Mingxiao Guo enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
1'42", no.5 黄超 enters the game for no. 2 Yubao Zhang
1`36`` no.2 Jialun Chen Steal (1 steals)
1`34`` no.2 Jialun Chen Two Point Made (9 points)
1`12`` no.2 Jialun Chen Steal (2 steals)
1`7`` no.2 Jialun Chen Assist (3 assists)
1`6`` no.5 朱宁 Two Point Made (2 points)
0`43`` no.10 王孜翼 Three Point Miss
0`40`` no.5 黄超 Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
0`38`` no.5 黄超 Two Point Miss
0`37`` no.3 Chen Luo Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
0`31`` no.10 王孜翼 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'18", no.24 Han Lin enters the game for no. 3 Chen Luo
0'9", no.7 Taojie Wang enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
0`6`` no.24 Han Lin Turnover (1 turnovers)
第1节 end

第2节 start
9'52", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 9 徐雷
9`51`` no.10 王孜翼 Three Point Miss
9'48", no.44 Pengcheng Zhai enters the game for no. 24 Han Lin
9'45", no.13 Zihan Wang enters the game for no. 11 Chenxi zhao
9`43`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`41`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Miss
9`39`` no.13 Zihan Wang Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
9`13`` no.13 Zihan Wang Turnover (1 turnovers)
9`8`` no.10 王孜翼 Two Point Miss
8'50", no.24 Han Lin enters the game for no. 2 Jialun Chen
8`27`` no.13 Zihan Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
8`6`` no.1 Mingxiao Guo Two Point Miss
8'4", no.8 Yexin Wang enters the game for no. 7 Lin Gao
7'57", no.6 Ruiqi Zhang enters the game for no. 5 朱宁
7`55`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`54`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Two Point Made (2 points)
7`40`` no.4 Chao Lei Two Point Miss
7`38`` no.5 黄超 Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
7`37`` no.5 黄超 Two Point Made (2 points)
7`28`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Two Point Miss
7`20`` no.24 Han Lin Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7`4`` no.5 黄超 Two Point Miss
7`0`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6`51`` no.5 黄超 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6`30`` no.13 Zihan Wang Free Throw Miss
6'26", no.2 Jialun Chen enters the game for no. 13 Zihan Wang
6'14", no.13 Zihan Wang enters the game for no. 2 Jialun Chen
6`14`` no.13 Zihan Wang Free Throw Miss
6`8`` no.13 Zihan Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
6'1", no.17 Shaoyang Yan enters the game for no. 1 Mingxiao Guo
5`46`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Steal (1 steals)
5'38", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 7 Taojie Wang
5`36`` no.3 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
5`20`` no.13 Zihan Wang Free Throw Miss
5`10`` no.13 Zihan Wang Free Throw Made (3 points)
4`55`` no.13 Zihan Wang Steal (1 steals)
4`31`` no.24 Han Lin Turnover (2 turnovers)
4'27", no.2 Yubao Zhang enters the game for no. 4 Chao Lei
4`26`` no.2 Yubao Zhang Steal (1 steals)
4`10`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Turnover (1 turnovers)
3`54`` no.3 Shengming Xu Two Point Miss
3`52`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
3`40`` no.8 Yexin Wang Turnover (1 turnovers)
3`14`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
2`57`` no.5 黄超 Free Throw Miss
2`50`` no.5 黄超 Free Throw Made (3 points)
1`50`` no.5 黄超 Two Point Miss
1`47`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
1`46`` no.8 Yexin Wang Turnover (2 turnovers)
1`45`` no.5 黄超 Steal (1 steals)
1`40`` no.10 王孜翼 Two Point Miss
1`37`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
1`33`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Two Point Made (4 points)
1`33`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Assist (1 assists)
1`15`` no.5 黄超 Two Point Miss
1`14`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
1`2`` no.8 Yexin Wang Three Point Miss
1`0`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0`57`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Three Point Miss
0`55`` no.3 Shengming Xu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
0`48`` no.10 王孜翼 Two Point Miss
0`46`` no.3 Shengming Xu Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
0`44`` no.3 Shengming Xu Two Point Made (2 points)
0`35`` no.13 Zihan Wang Two Point Made (5 points)
第2节 end

0`0`` no.6 Ruiqi Zhang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.3 Shengming Xu Free Throw Miss
10'0", no.10 Zichu Wang enters the game for no. 6 Ruiqi Zhang
10'0", no.7 Taojie Wang enters the game for no. 17 Shaoyang Yan
10'0", no.11 Gan Fang enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
10'0", no.4 Chao Lei enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
10'0", no.17 Shaoyang Yan enters the game for no. 2 Yubao Zhang
10'0", no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu enters the game for no. 44 Pengcheng Zhai
10`0`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Steal (1 steals)
10`0`` no.10 Zichu Wang Two Point Miss
10`0`` no.5 黄超 Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
10`0`` no.10 Zichu Wang Steal (1 steals)

第3节 start
9'54", no.0 张哲远 enters the game for no. 24 Han Lin
9`52`` no.10 Zichu Wang Assist (1 assists)
9`51`` no.0 张哲远 Two Point Made (2 points)
9`39`` no.0 张哲远 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
9`25`` no.10 Zichu Wang Block (1 blocks)
9`14`` no.5 黄超 Two Point Made (5 points)
8'59", no.55 Chuofan Zheng enters the game for no. 8 Yexin Wang
8`58`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Two Point Miss
8`56`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8'47", no.25 Tianyu Yang enters the game for no. 13 Zihan Wang
8`43`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Three Point Miss
8`42`` no.10 Zichu Wang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
8`37`` no.10 Zichu Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
8`11`` no.0 张哲远 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
7`34`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Steal (1 steals)
7`26`` no.0 张哲远 Two Point Made (4 points)
7`24`` no.10 Zichu Wang Assist (2 assists)
7`9`` no.7 Taojie Wang Two Point Miss
7`7`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`2`` no.0 张哲远 Two Point Miss
7`0`` no.4 Chao Lei Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`57`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Steal (2 steals)
6`47`` no.55 Chuofan Zheng Three Point Miss
6`41`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
6'22", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 5 黄超
6'11", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 7 Taojie Wang
6`3`` no.11 Gan Fang Three Point Miss
6`2`` no.10 Zichu Wang Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
5`56`` no.10 Zichu Wang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
5`38`` no.10 Zichu Wang Two Point Made (4 points)
5`6`` no.4 Chao Lei Steal (1 steals)
4`56`` no.10 王孜翼 Turnover (1 turnovers)
4`42`` no.10 王孜翼 Steal (1 steals)
4`29`` no.3 Shengming Xu Three Point Miss
4`28`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
4`17`` no.0 张哲远 Two Point Miss
4`17`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
4`16`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Two Point Miss
4`15`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
4`6`` no.10 王孜翼 Three Point Made (3 points)
3`51`` no.55 Chuofan Zheng Three Point Made (3 points)
3`46`` no.10 Zichu Wang Assist (3 assists)
3`38`` no.4 Chao Lei Two Point Miss
3`35`` no.4 Chao Lei Offensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
3`21`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3'11", no.12 Qi Deng enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
2`56`` no.3 Shengming Xu Free Throw Made (3 points)
2'50", no.8 Yexin Wang enters the game for no. 10 Zichu Wang
2`44`` no.3 Shengming Xu Free Throw Made (4 points)
2`31`` no.0 张哲远 Two Point Miss
2`28`` no.10 王孜翼 Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
2`24`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Three Point Miss
2`23`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
2`17`` no.8 Yexin Wang Three Point Miss
2`15`` no.10 王孜翼 Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
2`0`` no.12 Qi Deng Three Point Miss
1`58`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (7 rebounds)
1`51`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Two Point Miss
1`50`` no.4 Chao Lei Defensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
1`39`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Three Point Miss
1`38`` no.8 Yexin Wang Defensive Rebound (8 rebounds)
1`31`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Two Point Miss
1`30`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
1`26`` no.55 Chuofan Zheng Three Point Miss
1`24`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
1`8`` no.3 Shengming Xu Two Point Miss
1`6`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
0`58`` no.55 Chuofan Zheng Three Point Miss
第3节 end

第4节 start
9'56", no.24 Han Lin enters the game for no. 55 Chuofan Zheng
9'54", no.11 Chenxi zhao enters the game for no. 8 Yexin Wang
9'48", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
9`47`` no.9 徐雷 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
9'43", no.1 Mingxiao Guo enters the game for no. 17 Shaoyang Yan
9'37", no.44 Pengcheng Zhai enters the game for no. 41 Xiaoyuan Zhu
9`33`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Three Point Miss
9`31`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
9'28", no.8 Yexin Wang enters the game for no. 0 张哲远
9`25`` no.8 Yexin Wang Three Point Made (3 points)
9`24`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Assist (2 assists)
9'19", no.2 Jialun Chen enters the game for no. 25 Tianyu Yang
9`18`` no.2 Jialun Chen Steal (3 steals)
9`12`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (2 points)
9`10`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Assist (3 assists)
8`45`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Made (2 points)
8`39`` no.8 Yexin Wang Three Point Miss
8`37`` no.4 Chao Lei Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
8`22`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Miss
8`21`` no.11 Chenxi zhao Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
7'55", no.25 Tianyu Yang enters the game for no. 8 Yexin Wang
7'48", no.17 Shaoyang Yan enters the game for no. 12 Qi Deng
7'44", no.2 Yubao Zhang enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
7`37`` no.4 Chao Lei Three Point Miss
7`16`` no.2 Jialun Chen Three Point Miss
7`13`` no.2 Yubao Zhang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
7`3`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Two Point Miss
7`1`` no.9 徐雷 Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`59`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Miss
6`55`` no.9 徐雷 Personal Foul (3 fouls)
6'42", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 9 徐雷
6'34", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 1 Mingxiao Guo
6`26`` no.10 王孜翼 Steal (2 steals)
6`20`` no.10 王孜翼 Three Point Miss
6`19`` no.2 Jialun Chen Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
6`3`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Miss
6`1`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
5`53`` no.4 Chao Lei Two Point Miss
5'45", no.3 Chen Luo enters the game for no. 11 Chenxi zhao
5'44", no.5 朱宁 enters the game for no. 2 Jialun Chen
5`33`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Block (1 blocks)
5`26`` no.3 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
5`14`` no.3 Chen Luo Free Throw Made (6 points)
5`1`` no.3 Chen Luo Free Throw Miss
4`57`` no.5 朱宁 Offensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
4`55`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Three Point Miss
4`53`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
4`37`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Personal Foul (2 fouls)
4`23`` no.2 Yubao Zhang Three Point Miss
4`22`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
4`17`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Steal (1 steals)
4`16`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Two Point Miss
4`15`` no.4 Chao Lei Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
4`15`` no.4 Chao Lei Two Point Miss
4`10`` no.3 Chen Luo Defensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
3`58`` no.3 Chen Luo Two Point Miss
3`57`` no.2 Yubao Zhang Defensive Rebound (2 rebounds)
3`50`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Personal Foul (3 fouls)
3'29", no.11 Chenxi zhao enters the game for no. 3 Chen Luo
3'27", no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu enters the game for no. 11 Chenxi zhao
3'22", no.11 Gan Fang enters the game for no. 2 Yubao Zhang
3`18`` no.11 Gan Fang Two Point Miss
3`16`` no.24 Han Lin Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
3`14`` no.24 Han Lin Two Point Miss
3`13`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
3`10`` no.10 王孜翼 Personal Foul (2 fouls)
3'5", no.10 Zichu Wang enters the game for no. 5 朱宁
2`56`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Two Point Miss
2`54`` no.10 Zichu Wang Offensive Rebound (3 rebounds)
2`34`` no.24 Han Lin Two Point Miss
2`30`` no.11 Gan Fang Defensive Rebound (1 rebounds)
2`2`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Three Point Miss
2`1`` no.10 Zichu Wang Defensive Rebound (4 rebounds)
1`54`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Two Point Miss
1`53`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Offensive Rebound (6 rebounds)
1`46`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Three Point Miss
1`43`` no.17 Shaoyang Yan Defensive Rebound (7 rebounds)
1`31`` no.11 Gan Fang Two Point Miss
1`29`` no.41 Xiaoyuan Zhu Defensive Rebound (7 rebounds)
1`25`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (4 points)
Timeout at 1'19"
1`11`` no.24 Han Lin Two Point Miss
1`10`` no.10 Zichu Wang Offensive Rebound (5 rebounds)
1'0", no.1 Mingxiao Guo enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
0`59`` no.1 Mingxiao Guo Steal (1 steals)
0'56", no.12 Qi Deng enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
0`53`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Steal (3 steals)
0`50`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Assist (1 assists)
0`48`` no.44 Pengcheng Zhai Two Point Made (6 points)
0'38", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 17 Shaoyang Yan
0`36`` no.10 Zichu Wang Steal (2 steals)
0`33`` no.24 Han Lin Two Point Made (2 points)
0`25`` no.10 Zichu Wang Steal (3 steals)
0`21`` no.10 Zichu Wang Assist (4 assists)
0`19`` no.25 Tianyu Yang Two Point Made (2 points)
0`2`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Made (4 points)
第4节 end