
查看 WACH VS 平底锅的文字直播


WACH VS 平底锅的文字直播

第1节 start
9`25`` no.6 Li Qiu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`46`` no.1 Darien Tung Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`22`` no.0 Giovanni Wong Two Point Made (2 points)
7`36`` no.12 Hao Lin Two Point Made (2 points)
7`21`` no.21 Stanley Hung Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'0", no.9 Paul Yu enters the game for no. 8 Alex Li
0`0`` no.9 Paul Yu Two Point Made (2 points)
0'0", no.21 Stanley Hung enters the game for no. 25 Arnold Glapajone
0`0`` no.21 Stanley Hung Three Point Made (3 points)
0'0", no.13 Zewen Lin enters the game for no. 1 Mingxiao Guo
0'0", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 4 Chao Lei
0'0", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
0'0", no.2 Yubao Zhang enters the game for no. 6 Li Qiu
0'0", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 1 Mingxiao Guo
0'0", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 12 Qi Deng
0`0`` no.3 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0'0", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
0'0", no.2 Yubao Zhang enters the game for no. 4 Chao Lei
0'0", no.11 Sze Yeung Ng enters the game for no. 12 Hao Lin
0'0", no.21 Stanley Hung enters the game for no. 25 Arnold Glapajone
0`0`` no.1 Darien Tung Personal Foul (2 fouls)
0`0`` no.3 Shengming Xu Free Throw Made (1 points)
0'0", no.20 Kenneth Lin enters the game for no. 0 Giovanni Wong
0`0`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (5 points)
0`0`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (7 points)
0'0", no.5 黄超 enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
0'0", no.8 贾艳会 enters the game for no. 6 Li Qiu
0'0", no.1 Mingxiao Guo enters the game for no. 8 贾艳会
0`0`` no.10 王孜翼 Personal Foul (1 fouls)
0`0`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (9 points)
0`0`` no.21 Stanley Hung Three Point Made (12 points)
第1节 end

10'0", no.7 Taojie Wang enters the game for no. 9 徐雷
10'0", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 2 Yubao Zhang
10'0", no.9 Paul Yu enters the game for no. 21 Stanley Hung
10'0", no.12 Hao Lin enters the game for no. 1 Darien Tung

第2节 start
9`2`` no.11 Sze Yeung Ng Personal Foul (1 fouls)
8`19`` no.8 Alex Li Personal Foul (1 fouls)
7'31", no.0 Giovanni Wong enters the game for no. 20 Kenneth Lin
6'47", no.8 贾艳会 enters the game for no. 5 黄超
6`37`` no.10 王孜翼 Three Point Made (3 points)
6`22`` no.7 Taojie Wang Two Point Made (2 points)
5`54`` no.8 Alex Li Two Point Made (2 points)
5'14", no.6 Li Qiu enters the game for no. 7 Taojie Wang
5'4", no.11 Gan Fang enters the game for no. 1 Mingxiao Guo
4'49", no.1 Darien Tung enters the game for no. 11 Sze Yeung Ng
4'44", no.21 Stanley Hung enters the game for no. 8 Alex Li
4`30`` no.9 Paul Yu Personal Foul (1 fouls)
3`16`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (14 points)
3`8`` no.3 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
2`55`` no.21 Stanley Hung Free Throw Made (15 points)
2`28`` no.12 Hao Lin Two Point Made (4 points)
2`0`` no.0 Giovanni Wong Two Point Made (4 points)
1`39`` no.0 Giovanni Wong Two Point Made (6 points)
Timeout at 1'32"
1'32", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
1'32", no.5 黄超 enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
1'32", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
1'30", no.11 Gan Fang enters the game for no. 6 Li Qiu
1'29", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 8 贾艳会
1'19", no.6 Li Qiu enters the game for no. 5 黄超
0'10", no.8 Alex Li enters the game for no. 9 Paul Yu
0`8`` no.8 Alex Li Two Point Made (4 points)
0'0", no.7 陈宇林 enters the game for no. 21 Stanley Hung
第2节 end

0'0", no.11 Sze Yeung Ng enters the game for no. 12 Hao Lin

第3节 start
9'50", no.8 贾艳会 enters the game for no. 9 徐雷
9'49", no.5 黄超 enters the game for no. 6 Li Qiu
9'47", no.7 Taojie Wang enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
9'44", no.13 Zewen Lin enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
9'43", no.12 Qi Deng enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
9'42", no.1 Mingxiao Guo enters the game for no. 12 Qi Deng
9'32", no.12 Hao Lin enters the game for no. 7 陈宇林
9'31", no.7 陈宇林 enters the game for no. 8 Alex Li
9'29", no.9 Paul Yu enters the game for no. 11 Sze Yeung Ng
9'27", no.21 Stanley Hung enters the game for no. 0 Giovanni Wong
9`25`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (17 points)
7`45`` no.12 Hao Lin Two Point Made (6 points)
7`17`` no.12 Hao Lin Two Point Made (8 points)
6'50", no.6 Li Qiu enters the game for no. 1 Mingxiao Guo
6'41", no.10 王孜翼 enters the game for no. 5 黄超
6'37", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 13 Zewen Lin
6'24", no.11 Gan Fang enters the game for no. 7 Taojie Wang
6'11", no.11 Sze Yeung Ng enters the game for no. 12 Hao Lin
5`58`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (19 points)
5`38`` no.11 Sze Yeung Ng Three Point Made (3 points)
5`17`` no.9 Paul Yu Two Point Made (4 points)
5'4", no.12 Hao Lin enters the game for no. 7 陈宇林
4`52`` no.11 Sze Yeung Ng Two Point Made (5 points)
4`21`` no.1 Darien Tung Two Point Made (2 points)
3`46`` no.9 Paul Yu Personal Foul (2 fouls)
3'38", no.0 Giovanni Wong enters the game for no. 9 Paul Yu
3'25", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 8 贾艳会
2`46`` no.1 Darien Tung Two Point Made (4 points)
2`28`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Made (2 points)
1`26`` no.0 Giovanni Wong Two Point Made (8 points)
1`2`` no.10 王孜翼 Two Point Made (5 points)
0`54`` no.12 Hao Lin Two Point Made (10 points)
0`41`` no.9 徐雷 Two Point Made (4 points)
0`23`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (21 points)
第3节 end

第4节 start
9`49`` no.21 Stanley Hung Personal Foul (2 fouls)
9'34", no.7 Taojie Wang enters the game for no. 12 Qi Deng
9'31", no.5 黄超 enters the game for no. 10 王孜翼
9'27", no.13 Zewen Lin enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
9'24", no.2 Yubao Zhang enters the game for no. 6 Li Qiu
9'15", no.8 贾艳会 enters the game for no. 2 Yubao Zhang
9`6`` no.21 Stanley Hung Three Point Made (24 points)
8'38", no.7 陈宇林 enters the game for no. 12 Hao Lin
8'35", no.8 Alex Li enters the game for no. 11 Sze Yeung Ng
8'32", no.20 Kenneth Lin enters the game for no. 1 Darien Tung
8`17`` no.21 Stanley Hung Three Point Made (27 points)
7`43`` no.13 Zewen Lin Two Point Made (2 points)
7`31`` no.20 Kenneth Lin Two Point Made (2 points)
6'47", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 7 Taojie Wang
6`40`` no.21 Stanley Hung Three Point Made (30 points)
6`16`` no.8 Alex Li Personal Foul (2 fouls)
6`0`` no.7 陈宇林 Three Point Made (3 points)
5`29`` no.21 Stanley Hung Two Point Made (32 points)
5`3`` no.21 Stanley Hung Three Point Made (35 points)
4'18", no.1 Darien Tung enters the game for no. 20 Kenneth Lin
3`53`` no.7 陈宇林 Two Point Made (5 points)
Timeout at 3'47"
3'47", no.11 Gan Fang enters the game for no. 9 徐雷
3'47", no.9 徐雷 enters the game for no. 5 黄超
3'47", no.1 Mingxiao Guo enters the game for no. 13 Zewen Lin
3'47", no.6 Li Qiu enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
3'47", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 8 贾艳会
3'40", no.8 贾艳会 enters the game for no. 3 Shengming Xu
3`25`` no.8 Alex Li Personal Foul (3 fouls)
3`0`` no.7 陈宇林 Three Point Made (8 points)
2`32`` no.11 Gan Fang Two Point Made (2 points)
2`28`` no.1 Darien Tung Two Point Made (6 points)
1'8", no.20 Kenneth Lin enters the game for no. 8 Alex Li
1'0", no.8 Alex Li enters the game for no. 7 陈宇林
0'54", no.7 陈宇林 enters the game for no. 0 Giovanni Wong
0'31", no.9 Paul Yu enters the game for no. 20 Kenneth Lin
0`30`` no.9 Paul Yu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
0'8", no.3 Shengming Xu enters the game for no. 11 Gan Fang
0`7`` no.3 Shengming Xu Personal Foul (3 fouls)
第4节 end